U.T.A.H CH. 8

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Standing on the side of the building, with my gun in one hand and my knife in the other. Counting down the seconds until I strike the four men occupying the back of the building. Striking the first through his throat and putting a bullet through his head to the safe side. Repeating that process another times, I reload my gun and make my way to the basement. Taking out the by the door frame, I hear grunts taking over my hearing. There is ten stall like rooms. Walking in the first the sight I see is horrible. There is a girl chained to the bed with a gag in her mouth, with a man on top of her. While pulling him off I pull the trigger to the gun I had at the back of his head, looking at the girl she is younger the fifteen. After seeing that sight I move with determination, killing anything that isn't female and moving. Making my way up stairs leaving eleven dead bodies behind me. Walking in the hallway I step over two dead bodies, knowing Ashleigh has cleared this level I head toward the stairs to go to the top floor.

* Ashleigh pov*

Shooting the two guards that were guarding the front, I made my way into the building. Hearing foot steps and voices coming my way. Ducking into a room waiting for them to pass, coming up behind them I place my knife at ones throat while shooting the other in the back of the head. " where are the girls and how many are there of you on this floor" I ask in a whisper. " there are ten girls in the basement and then up stairs. There are seven more of us, please don't k" he doesn't get to finish his sentence before I slice his throat hitting the jugular. Reading my gun and pulling out another, I make my way towards the way the guards were coming from. Stopping outside the door I peek in, five guys playing poker two watching a movie. Stepping in and killing the two watching the movie first. The five playing poker didn't even notice, shooting them in the chest then head. Making my way out the room I leave behind seven dead bodies, what my total eleven. Going up stairs I feel Milli's presence behind. Nodding at each other I call 911 thank to the guard I took it from, placing it on the ground we spilt up. Searching three rooms I make my way to the last room. Hearing whistling sounds and laughter, I pull out my second gun. Looking into the what I see is sickening there is five girls chained to the wall, stripped naked with washes all over the back of their bodies. Before any of the five sick bastards I shot them in main arteries letting the bleed to death.

* Milli pov *

Making my way up stairs I see Ashleigh ahead of me. Wishing I could tell her the sick shit I just saw, but I can't. Reaching the top we nod signalling we have ten minutes to get out. Watching her put out a phone I begin making my way down a hall. Coming to the last room I see three cages with girls in them and two chained to the wall. With no guards in sight I walk in the room I see the founder's daughter in a cage. Seeing a door in the back of the room, I go to it. The door leads to the roof, seeing to guards, that are the worst guards in the history of guards. Pulling the trigger twice the bodies fall of the roof. Making our way to the car we don't speak, we don't speak on the way home, we don't speak once in the house. Going in the kitchen I grab the Vodka she grabs the orange juice. We drink and drink it's not for celebrating, it's for what we saw. Drinking until the tears rolled down our face, we broke into sobs.

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