U.T.A.H CH.20

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* Ashleigh pov *

Waking up today I decided to go to the clinic, if it's something bad I don't want everyone knowing so the infirmary is ok. Getting dress was a drag having no energy at all, grabbing one of my many fake identities I myself. Heading out I get shock that Milli is up. " Where you going?" Tothe clinic I want to say " I'm going to get my jewelry cleaned, going shopping want to come?" " Uh if your giving me a choice to stay here or shop with I'll be here when you get back" sweet " awe come on I'm not that bad" " yes yes my friend you are that bad" " fine shoot yourself, want anything in case you don't?" "Awe so sweet, but no have fun" Just great now I have to go shopping, not cool guess I can pick up a few random things. Dropping my jewelry off to be cleaned, I head to the clinic. Signing in and all that mumble jumble I'm waiting for the doctor, " Denice White" standing up I see peopl trying to hold back laughter,hell I'm trying to hold back my own. Following the doctor in the examine room " so what are you here for today?" " Well I've been sick for a little while and now I can't seem to hold down any food." " ok, well I'll take some blood run some test in the mean time I'm going to start an IV." That's exactly what he did I'm not complaining though, cause as soon as it started I've been feeling better and better." Ok ms. White I have your results...... your about a month and a half along, I can do an ultrasound if you'd like?" " Yes please" what the fuck am I suppose too do, abortion out, adoption hell no not with the love of my life baby adaptation is the only way, how is everyone going to take it. No I can't tell anyone I don't want my child in this life" here we go your a week off from two months, would you like pictures?" " no thanks, when can I leave?" " Well I have some instructions for you while at home plus some prenatal pills for you to take daily so in about 15 minutes you'll be free to go." The fifteen minutes took forever, but soon I was on my way. Picking up a prepaid cell phone from family dollars, I head to the mall. Shopping for my current size is out of the equation, picking up a size or two to big shirts and pants I head to the jewelry place I need Milli to remember me just in case something happens. Designing my own piece for her takes no time at all. Picking up some food I head home with allot on my mind. Watching movies and eating is what we did a party for two. Cleaning our dorm was not fun cause somebody wanted to start a food fight. It doesn't matter that, that someone was me because she was asking for it. Who takes the last oreo and and not open another pack just rude rude I tell ya. Last night was a blast and it got my mind off of the pregnancy, I feel extremely guilty for not telling my bestie, but first off I'm scared of her reaction to it, second of all I don't want it to get out to her mom because I would either be forced to abort it or it will grow up in this life style.

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