U.T.A.H CH. 9

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* Ashleigh pov *

Drinking and crying did help the hurt I felt for those girls, but it didn't erase the images, That are forever burned in my memory. We haven't said anything to each other since before the mission. Having that mission made me realize that even though I'm an assassin I have a heart, a the heart the government doesn't have to do my job.

Waking up the next morning was hell, having only 44 minutes until school started was worse. Going into Milli's room because I knew the bitch wouldn't be up " BITCH! Get the fuck up or I'm getting the water" " Get the water the Slut, I'm not scared the hangover is killer" " let go to school tomorrow one day won't hurt" " NO! Get up or the lambo gets it" She jumped up like the house was on fire. " you touch my baby I'll call C.P.S. on your ass so fast you'll think I'm ordering pizza" " C.P.S. its a car not a child" " Car Protective Service and don't think I don't have the number" I just laughed and walked away, twenty minutes later we were heading out. " I need food I say to Milli" " you always need food, let go to micky d's" After eating our food we headed into the school, it was huge and it smelled rich. " is it me or does it smell rich in here" " I thought it was just me" she said we bust out laughing. Making our way to the office to get our schedule. " hello we are Milli and and Ashleigh Sims we need our class schedule." " Just one moment please" she handed us or schedule. We have the same schedule because we need to be around each other, blah blah . Walking to our first class is history " Your late go find a seat" the teacher says not bothering to look at us, if I slap the shit out of him I'd be wrong wouldn't I. " sir we are new and if you want us to respect you then it needs to be a two way street" That's my Milli she knew I was having a hard time keeping from slapping the asshole, that's why I love her ( no homo) The teacher looks at her in shock I guess people don't speak their mind here. Looking around I see Justin I swear my heart skipped a beat. Wtf is happening I didn't even here what Milli said she just started pulling me towards two desk side by side. Zoning out for that class thinking about what it was that is happening to me. There is no room for having feelings for him, he is an assignment nothing more. Walking towards algebra I groaned I suck at it its just what the fuck are letters doing with numbers. Good thing Milli has my back in algebra and I had hers in English, the girl can spell but she can't write. Not even bothering to listen in class I zoned back out. Heading to P.E. now this was my shit I loved it. We are playing basketball ok I can't play but Milli can Im the distraction. Talking mad shit throwing the girls off their game is fun. After showering it was lunch wanting some pizza since Milli said it this morning that's what I got. Heading to BiologyII ,. The last class of the day, nothing eventful happen today heading home I took a nap I swear not learning shit with a hangover takes allot from a girl. After three hours of sleeping we order pizza and I do the homework that was assigned and call it a night.

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