U.T.A.H CH.25

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* Ashleigh pov *

Feeding my baby girl while Justin gets ready for work, looking down at her she is the perfect mix between us. She has curly black hair and her fathers gray eyes, she has my nose and facial structure. Being a mother is great tiring but great. Sending Milli pictures every few weeks she always replies with Ameila looks like her, I always laugh. It's been eight months since I left I can't believe how great it's been, it's been quite a little to quiet nobody after us. At anytime I expect having to pack up and run, but it never happens. Since Milli left I've been on edge I know she would never tell anyone where I was, but that has never stop me from worrying. She just popped up out of nowhere itcould've been a coincidentally, but really it was really scary for that. I've missed my old life I wouldn't have left it for love, so being pregnant was a sign for me. Going on about life I don't know what my next step will be Justin and I have over thirteen million dollars together, we can't flaunt our wealth. Meila is set for life she will have no problem financially, she will know how to defeated anyone in her path.

* Milli pov SIX MONTHS LATER *

Shutting down the club will be easy, its a strip club out of Vegas that makes a side profit by selling female and male orphanes, to anyone with enough money. Striding up to stage getting ready for my performance, I walk around in my six inch heels. Spinning around the pole working it I climb up using my hands wrapping my legs around I lean backwards while sliding down, crawling around the stage while men and women feel me up while putting in my g- string. Grabbing the money left on stage I see the card I've been working so hard to get the owners. Being a stripper you make great money and plenty of blisters. Slipping into the locker room I shower and get dress, making my way to the owners office I give the guards the card I received. Stepping through the threshold I'm greeted by Mr. Quinn himself. He leads the way down a hidden hall when we reach a room, he grabs me and throws me in a room with a few others to be sold. Spending two days in there it's time to escape putting my gun together correctly I wait for a guard to come to deliver our food. Hearing the door knob twistI wait for him to place the food on the floor, once he does I grab his arm and pull him in the room. Sticking my foot in the door to keep it open, I snap his neck to save myself a bullet, disarming him I tuck his gun in the back of my pants and his clips in my pockets. disarming the cameras I shoot the two guards in the surveillance room, making my way to the exit I shoot the guard guarding the exit. Hearing his radio they are sending more guards to come get me, taking his clips I place them in my back pockets I now have two guns. Shooting the two guards coming down the stairs I make my way up. Having to take out seven more guards by the time I make it to the owner's floor, I load my two guns firing two kill shots to two of the five guards I duck back around the corner. Kneeling down I peek around the corner two of the guards are coming towards me, moving just in time a bullet gazes my cheek. Reaching around I fire four shots blindly, hearing one guards hit the floor. Standing up I shot randomly to get him to back up. Dropping my empty clip to the floor I hear for steps running towards me, waiting until theyturn the corner I shoot them both. Reloading my gun I kick Mr. Quinn's office door open, moving to the side I wait until he stops firing. Shooting the guards by the wall I never take my gun off of Quinn. " your going to come with me to release all the people you have in cells" " ookk please don't shoot me, I'm sorry" " to late for apologies, how many do you have her?" Just seeing if he'd lie any kind of way it goes he is a dead man. " 15" hmmm at least he is honest. Walking with him we release all the people, telling them to go I shoot Quinn and take off after them. Heading to my room I get a call my mom wants to see me immediately. Walking in her office " Milli, we have found Justin"

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