Chapter 4 ~ Harry!

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Chapter 4 ~ Harry!

~Zayn's POV~

I'm shivering, standing next to the road, opposite of the road. I forgot to take my coat with me when I stormed out of the house. The chilly January wind is freezing. 

I'm still waiting for Louis and probably Harry also since he is Louis' fiancé. The two of them seem inseparable. 

My eyes scan the cottage. I really want to find out what happened in there. It's impossible I became crazy in such a short period. Theo is real. A ghost, but real. Maybe the boy is too.

I called Louis 'cause I don't want to be alone here. Also because of his reaction when I told him I live here. At the bar he completely froze when I told him. So did Harry.

My eyes stop when they fall on the icy blue ones. They are quite familiar now. Again they hold nothing but anger. 

What did I do to get him to hate me? 

I don't look away from the boy behind the window. I can't help but admit that he looks beautiful. The nice blue eyes I'm sure would shine as he smiles. The way his face is shaped. It's like a perfect sculpture. Then his blond hair, falling over his forehead. It looks soft. I'd like to run my hands through it. 

And then the way he's dressed. Like people dressed about 100 years ago. Brown baggy pants with suspenders. A plain white long sleeved shirt. I must admit it's kinda hot. I've always liked old style. 

I snap out of my dream-face when the boy's eyes begin to go black slowly, until his eye balls melt from his eye sockets and the white liquid runs over his face. 

I tear my gaze away, feeling slightly nauseous from the scene I just saw. 

When I look back, he's gone, but that doesn't matter 'cause a car stops right in front of me. When the window rolls down, I can see Louis' and Harry's faces looking at me. They both look worried. 

"What's wrong Zayn? We came as quick as possible." Harry says. My eyes scan their appearance. Of course. They both have sex hair.


"Park the car." I say. "I'll explain after." 

Louis nods and turns onto the driveway of the cottage. He turns the car off and both boys step out, clicking their sides together like two magnets from the moment they can.

I walk over to them as they want to go inside. "No, don't!" I yell in panic and the couple freezes.

"Why not?" Louis asks. 

"It's cold out here." Harry adds.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, do you think I'm standing outside without a coat willingly?" I ask sarcastically, making the both of them shake there heads. "That's also why I called."

I start to tell everything. From the moment I met Theo, till the moment they arrived.

"So, you've finally found out, huh?" Louis says smiling. 

"What?" I ask. "You know more, don't you? That's why you reacted so weird at the pub when I told you." 

Louis nods again. "Yes, everybody in Ireland knows this cottage you bought is haunted." 

I raise my brow. 

"In 1934 the Horan family got horribly murdered here, in this same house. The parents were killed first, the son watching their dead. Then the son was killed. He died cause of blood loss. He was maimed worse than ever seen."

Yeah, I know that by now. 

"Ever since that day, every time someone enters the house, something weird happens. Some even say they've seen the son. People say he's the only soul left in the house. His parents moved into the light." Louis ends explanation. 

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