Chapter 10 ~ suspicion

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Chapter 10 ~ suspicion

~Zayn's POV~

My mind is still thinking over the  dream I had. If it was a dream.

You never know in this house and it had seemed so real.

I swear I could smell the blood coming from my best friends dead bodies.

I'm so sucked up in my thoughts that I forget about the breakfast. The eggs and bacon have caught fire and I don't even notice. 

I'm just standing there with the spatula in my hand. 

"Oh God! Fire!" A voice yells from behind me, making me scream once again. I turn around and swing the spatula at the person standing behind me.

I hit Liam straight in the face.

"Aw! Zayn!" He yells again. "I'm dead, but that still hurts! Now let me put out the fire." 

Oops. Oh well, he'll survive. I step aside and let Liam walk to the sink and fill a bowl with water, which he throws over the fire, putting it out immediately. 

Then he turns to me with an eyebrow raised.

And I can't help but burst out laughing. He has a red spot on his cheek as big as the spatula. 

"Don't laugh. This is your fault!" Liam scoffs with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"You shouldn't have scared me like that then." I reply when the laughter stopped. 

"You live in a haunted house with Niall Horan, the most famous ghost on this planet, what did you expect? A calm life?" 

"That was what I thought to..."

"Did I hear my name?" An annoyed looking Niall appears right in front of me, scaring me again. 

"Dammit! You need to stop doing that!" I say while clutching my heart. The poor thing had to take a lot this past days.

"I'm not listening to a stupid human. I do what I want." Niall says angry, glaring at me. With his arms crossed over his chest, he looks like a small child that didn't get the candy he wanted. 

"Niall, stop it!" Liam lectures, making the both of us turn our heads in his direction.

"No, Liam. You are suppose to be my friend and help me. Not ... this." Niall growls and gestures to me.

"Excuse me! I do have feelings you know." I try to say, but I'm ignored. 

"I know, Niall, but it's not easy like that. You have to try and accept humans again. They aren't all bad." Liam replies Niall.

"No, Liam. They are all the bloody same. Humans are selfish. They only look at the things that make themselves better and not others." 

"I'm still your friend, even though I've been human for such a long time. Be reasonable, Niall. Zayn didn't do anything wrong. Hell, he even tried to be your friend, but all you do is yell at him and try to get him out of the house!" 

The yelling continues, me standing in the middle of it, looking back and forth between the two ghosts like a dumbass.

"Wait, wait, wait." I suddenly interrupt the quarrel.

They both look at me. "What?" They say at the same time, though Liam is way more friendly then Niall.

I turn my head at Liam.

"How did you know what happened?" I ask him. "I thought you said you had to go?" 

I can clearly see Liam freeze at my statement.

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