Chapter 20 ~ Agreement

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(Little something first. Some people didn't correctly understood the A/N last chapter... I meant like there are some people out there that are copying stories word by word. I don't want that happening with my stories since I worked hard on them. Thanks and please stop the hurtful comments)

Chapter 20 ~ Agreement

~Niall's POV~

 The moment the light in Zayn's eyes dimmed something snapped inside of me. They killed him...

Zayn's dead. I can't believe it.

Those bastards can kill me over and over again. I don't care how many times, as long as they leave Zayn alone.

But they didn't.

After torturing me multiple times and my family, they now killed the guy I loved.

I can't help the angry scream leaving my mouth when it suddenly all it hits me. 

They will pay for this.

My eyes snap to Alex and he gasps as he sees the fire they hold. 

With new gained strength I stand up and storm towards him at the speed of lightening, ready to grab him and rip him apart in tiny little pieces for what he has done. But before I even reach him, he has disappeared.

My head turns to Walter he is gaping at me with his mouth wide open. The fear is clearly readable in his eyes. I'm ready to storm at him now, but just as Alex, he just disappears into nothing. 

Another scream leaves my mouth, only this time, it's filled with pain. 

Pain for the lost of my love.

I turn around on the heels of my feet, not entirely sure if I'm ready to face his dead body again, but my eyes land on Zayn anyway. My body changes back to its unharmed form and I can feel my eyes fill with tears. One runs down my cheek as I sit down next to zayn and try to put his two parts back together, knowing it will be no use. 

"Come on. Please don't be dead. You can't leave me." I sob. 

I didn't even know ghost could cry. I never did before after I died. Not when I realized I was dead. Not when I has missing my parents. Not even when Walter and Alex were torturing me. 
But now I do. I cry. I'm crying for Zayn. 

"I love you." I whispers as I finally give up trying to wake him up. I slide my fingers over his eyes, making them close. 

Then I stand up and look around the room. What was he doing here anyway? I told him to run. 

'Liam.' Is the first thing that came into my mind. He must have send Zayn here to try and save me. He knew that Walter and Alex wouldn't sense Zayn. 

"Liam!" I yell loudly, knowing he will hear me. 

I look around the room, waiting for him to appear. After he ten seconds I yell his name again, even louder this time.

"Niall? What's it?" He asks the moment he appears right in front of me. I don't waste any time slamming him against the wall harshly. 

"Why the fuck would you send him in here?" I yell, getting in his face. 

Liam stares at me, his eyes wide. "I- He...We were trying to save you." He answers, trying to pry my hands from the collar of his shirt.

I huff angrily and throw him on the ground next to Zayn's body. Liam pushes himself up and gasps when he sees Zayn.

"Well, that didn't went according plan." He mumbles to himself and I'm ready to beat him up again. Zayn is dead and it's his fault. 

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