Chapter 5 ~ That night

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Chapter 5 ~ That night

~Zayn's POV~

Louis and Harry had left immediately after I explained to Harry, the real one, what happened. 

"I'm not putting a foot in this house ever again." Louis had cried, then wrapped his arms around his soon-to-be-husband and left.

The poor boy. He must have been traumatized. I mean, seeing your boyfriend get murdered like that and then he walks in, completely fine...

God, that Niall ghost is a real prick sometimes. A beautiful prick though.

I'm sitting on the cough with my laptop on my lap. It's dark outside and almost time to go to bed. Niall had left me alone until now, and I don't think he's coming back tonight. At least, I hope.

Theo is sitting next to me, purring loudly while being asleep. I didn't even know it was possible for a cat to purr that loud. Well, Theo is a special cat. I'm just glad he doesn't scare me like Niall does. Theo loves me.

A smile forms on my lips when I think that. It's funny. 

Finally the laptop loaded the google-page I need. I click in the search bar and start to type.

'Horan murder.'

Immediately a great ammount of links appear on the screen. Even some real pics of the bodies.

I click on the first site and start to read.

'On the night of 12 April 1934, the Horan family was brutally murdered. Parents and son had been maimed before killed.' Then a picture of the bodies underneath the bit of text. 

First a pic of the family together. Smiling and alive. Niall looks just like when I see him without the wounds. Then individual pics with the bodies. His parents were already tortured horribly, but Niall was far more worse. And he had to see his parents die. I can only imagine...

'The horans were a lovely family with a small farm. Everyone loved them, they weren't rich, so their murders came like a shock to the neighbourhood. No one knows who or why they did it. The police didn't even have a suspect and up till now, people still have to guess who the murderer is.'

I frown. No killer found. I actually want to do who would do something like this. But also why... There had to be a reason right?

'The house of the Horans is still for sale, but it doesn't seem like it will be bought anytime soon. The place is perfect for ghost-hunters, since people say they saw the son, Niall Horan, through the window when they drove past.'

I can totally agree with that. Still, this site needs to update their information. I bought the house, it's mine now.

With a sigh I close the site and type in something else.

'How to protect yourself against ghosts.'

Of course there isn't much useful. I mean, some sites say I need a pastor to hunt them away, others say I can't do anything about ghosts. This is useless.

I close my laptop and stand up. "Come on Theo, let's go to bed." I mumbles, poking the cat in his side, making him look up. 

I stumble upstairs, only now realizing how tired I actually am. I start to get ready for bed while letting my thoughts drift away. 

I don't mind living with Niall, but only if he stops with trying to scare me like that. I honestly don't know what I did wrong to piss him off. Everything would be okay if he just acts like Theo. Not like I cat, I mean friendly. I think we can be great friends if we try...

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