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"I'm a bad kid and I will survive.
Oh I'm a bad kid, don't know wrong
from right." – Lady Gaga, Bad Kids.

"What the Hell on Heaven is that?" I ask, wide eyes.

My mother, the Queen of all Angels, looks at me with utter annoyance and disappointment as she looks at the pond that reflects all life on Earth. She doesn't like it when I say Hell or Hail Lucifer, but anyway, who would? I'm an angel – we are angels for Pete's sake – and everyone is not going to appreciate my snarky mouth. Even my father, who is the King of all Angels.

I can practically see the disappointment in his eyes as well, even though he's not here with us. He's currently in a business meeting with the other worldly creatures such as Pixies, Shamans, and the Enchanters.

Her gaze returns back to the bond, with the water pale as the truest form of the calm sky. My mother shakes her head at what she's seeing; a man raping a woman in a dark alley just near the establishments of the town. The woman is crying, hot tears running down her cheeks as she tries to get the man off of him, but the man is too strong. The prayer of the woman has been delivered by Zadkiel, the angel of prayer. I can practically see the gears working in my mother's head, and she'll think of the fair punishment she'll throw on the man who is still raping the girl.

Humans and their sexual urges, I think, groaning to myself.

"Hadraniel," my mother calls out my name in a faint whisper, and I look up at her. Her golden blonde hair freely cascades down her body, reaching her curve-y waist and any man who looks at her desires her most. She's wearing the Queen's crown, a small crown with gold and silver jewels embedded on the golden metal. Her skin is fair white – she looks like a porcelain doll, and her shoulders are showing. Her white as the clouds dress, with silver jewels sewn on the waist up to the cleavage are glinting brightly. Her eyes, the most vibrant color of green I've ever seen, are sad, probably because of what she has seen a few minutes ago. "Please call Sariel, Manakel, Jophiel, and Raphael. I'll have them go on Earth and fix the mess that has happened to the woman. It saddens me that this stuff always happens. It must be prevented."

Sariel is the angel of guidance; Manakel is the angel of peace; Jophiel is the angel of enlightenment; and Raphael is the angel of healing. I scowl at the names of the angels my mother has given. There's this feeling inside me that I should be the one fixing this. After all, love fixes everything. "Maybe –"

"No, Hadraniel." My mother decides to interrupt me before I even protest. Her sad eyes bore into mine, and I know that I have to follow her orders. After all, she's my mother and the Queen of the Angels. Her words are powerful more than mine, and I can't do anything about it. "You don't know what you're capable of; you are the angel of love yet you still don't know what its purpose. I'm afraid to tell you that you're still not ready to take risks. Love conquers all, fixes all mistakes and such. Those are just a mere statements to you, Hadraniel. Sometimes I wonder why you have been chosen as the angel of love."

Her words are like a knife, stabbing right through my heart and I feel pained upon hearing her words. Upon seeing my expression, her face softens and she cups my cheeks with her warm hands. She kisses my forehead and I look down, ashamed.

What my mother has said is quite true; I still don't know how love works. I don't know why there is love. It's just a feeling that every person shares with each other, and I don't know how it has become a big thing. It's not a big deal for me.

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