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"I want to make it work..."

After that hot confession – my mind still replays the words he uttered, that he loves me too, and the smile on my face can't be wiped off. That demon has smug smile attached on his lips, and he's too proud, we decided to go back to our little ol' home in Brooklyn.

I'm not really sure what happens next. The dilemma that I have? He's a demon, and I'm an angel. Now if this is known to the world, to my world and to his world, this is the history that will never be uttered to the new generation of angels and demons. The love we've had for each other, will never be accepted. Angels and demons will continue to fight each other for the throne, to be the best, to be known as the strongest race. And I want to change that. I want to change the world now. I want to change the perspective of the angels about the demons – they can change, just like Slate did. I've been saying, if you were to tell me this story about an angel falling for a demon when I was still in my old home, I'd seriously tell you that you need God's healing or else you're being crazy. Because that how it worked, until it wasn't, until I met him.

"What's wrong, love?" Slate asks me, breaking my reverie. I didn't notice that I've been frowning as we travel. I'm not really sure where we are – we're in some kind of other dimension. Everything is distorted, and too much looking makes me dizzy. He notices the expression that I have and gives me a smile. "Just hold my hand tight. This will be over soon. We'll be back in Brooklyn before you even know it."

Nodding, I shut my eyes and do what he says – I hold his hand tight, as if I'm holding on for my dear life. His hand is warm and so soft. My hand fits in his, like it's purposely made for us to hold hands. Just holding his hand is enough for me to not worry about the thoughts that I've had, even just for a while.

This travelling is still making me completely dizzy. I wish there's a medicine I could take just to make it stop, and truthfully, holding his hand makes everything feel better, but not enough to stop my head from hurting. But it's enough for me to bear the pain. I let out a sigh, keeping my eyes shut, as if that would stop the pain and dizziness I'm feeling. Slate squeezes my hand, and I peek just to see him looking at me with a worried expression plastered on his face. I give him a smile – a smile that tells I'm just going to be okay as long as he's beside me. That's enough to make him stop worrying. He does something I'm not sure, but I guess we travel faster than we are, because everything just flashes, and then... we're in one of the secluded alleys of Brooklyn.

The sun has gone asleep. There's a cat meowing at me, and when his green eyes turn to Slate, he hisses and runs deep into the dark alley. When I turn to look up at the moon, I nearly stumble to the ground, but Slate's quick reflexes just save me from that. His arm curls around my body, pushing me into him. He saves me like he's some sort of a superstar, born to do actions. Slate winks at me and guides me to stand properly. I put my hand on his shoulder. My legs feel like a Jell-O, like in any moment, it would wobble and I'd fall down again. But Slate's arm never leaves my body. He supports me, like he always does.

"Can you walk?" he asks me, looking at me straight in the eye. "Or should I just carry you? I don't want to use any more of my travel magic because that'd make you dizzier, and I don't want that. Our home is just a couple of streets away, two or three streets."

Slate carrying me is not really a bad idea, but I'm wondering what the reactions of the people would be. Same-sex relationship is kind of a hot topic in this world, so some people would be really judgmental about seeing us. The least thing that I want to happen is Slate snapping out and using his otherworldly power just to put consequences.

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