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Warning: You have been warned (lmao)

The more I think about what Leandre told me, the more I get anxious. What he said is true. All of it. No matter how many times I look at it at a different angle, the fact that he's a demon and I'm an angel (well, an angel who was stripped off his powers by his own father – no grudge though. I'm not even sure if I feel that type of emotion). The point is, we're still enemies by nature. You know what I'm saying? But the truth is, I'm not even sure if I'm ready to give Slate up. I'm not even sure if I can ever let him go. Letting him go means taking some piece of me, and without it, I'd be incomplete and just nothing. My best friend is correct. Slate has been part of me in more than ways I could never imagine. He has been part of my life. And it's beautiful. And... and... I can't let him go. I can't give Slate up.

"Hey, love, what's wrong?" Slate asks groggily as he props himself up with his elbow, rubbing his one eye as he gives me an adorable smile. Though if I tell him that, I know that he'd frown on me. So I keep my mouth shut and smile back.

Apparently he insisted on sleeping in the same room as me. The Great Alpha had prepared a room for me and Slate but he argued with the Great Alpha. In the end, he got it because this demon wasn't backing down. I know that Slate could take the Great Alpha, but I'd be lying if it's going to be easy. The Great Alpha is the strongest werewolf ever and he wasn't assigned as the Great Alpha for nothing. So I think it would be.... Slate? Slate would be the winner? Darn, I'm being biased here. The Great Alpha could probably kill Slate, considering his great strength. But the fight would be hard, and I'm talking about explosions, blood everywhere, wrecking battlefield kind of war. Slate could probably put up a fight. So with a deep sigh, the Great Alpha agreed. Of course it was with the help of his mate, Kieran, who is a guy. So pretty much everyone around here is gay. Even the Great Alpha's Beta, Perry. His mate's name is Dave. And they are all pretty good looking guys. But the most handsome guy I've ever met is my demon. So no argument there. No need. Case closed.

"Just thinking," I tell him. I just don't want him to think that I'm worried. Well, I am worried. But I don't want him to be bugged by it, make it seem too obvious. Knowing Slate, he'd never stop asking me until I open up about what I feel and what has me worried in the middle of the night.

"About?" he presses, scooting closer to me. He leans down and plants a kiss on my bare shoulder. I blush at the action and take a deep breath. Those kisses he keeps giving me, I can't get enough of those.

"A lot of things," is the only thing I can say.

Slate just hums, and I'm glad that he doesn't ask for more details. Right now he's all I need, and I don't care what anyone says. Even my mother or father, or my kind. I just like being with Slate. When I'm with him, I feel happiness, contentment, and love. Is this love? Is this what it feels like? It gives you butterflies right inside your stomach, you think that the world is in his eyes, and everything about him just makes you proud. You can let anyone take everything away from you except him, and before they can take them, you know you'd risk your life just to have him, to make him stay by your side. Because that's what I feel. I feel like I can fight anyone just to be with him. I feel like I can take anyone just to fight for what's mine. I feel like screaming my feelings for him. And I know, without a doubt, that I would do whatever it takes just to be with him forever and ever.

Reaching out to him, I lay him back down, lean down, and plant a kiss on his lips. This must have shocked him because he knows that I barely make the first move. His lips are not moving, and when I stare into his eyes, they are widened. I want to let him know that I can do things, that I can make the first move, that I want him so bad it hurts.

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