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It's been weeks since we arrived here in this place, in the werewolves' home. They have been nothing but nice, especially the leader of the pack, the Alpha of the Alphas – or as everyone call him: The Great Alpha – and his mate. They always show as kindness and trust, even though my demon of a boyfriend is, well, a demon.

Almost everyone doesn't really care that Slate is a demon, except my best friend Leandre. Though he knows that hurting me is the last thing Slate would do, he is still cautious around him.

I have talked to him about that. His response was, it's just normal for an angel to be ready since we're in great battle with the demons. He admittedly said that he wasn't really sure how that was possible: a demon falling in love with an angel because honestly, that had never occurred before. Demons are naturally evil, and they don't want to feel anything but hate and anger. They cause violence and do not bring harmony and peace. But somehow it baffles him that Slate doesn't act like a real demon. I told him to give him a chance, and he said he did, it's just that he has a duty as a servant of the heaven. But that doesn't mean that they cannot be friends, if that's even possible.

To be honest, I can't even picture Slate being friends with everyone, much less to another angel. Not because he's a demon, but because he just seems like the friendly type. But I can see how protective he is to those he cares about, and I'm one of those.

"So..." Leandre says as he stares over the wide field of the place. The grass is just recently trimmed, and the kids – or as what werewolves usually call them: pups – are running around freely, chasing each other as they laugh. He becomes silent for a few seconds and I wonder if something got stuck in his throat, preventing him from going on. After a few seconds, he continues, "I just went back home and go figure, they still haven't tracked you. They are still searching for you, Adrian. The Queen, your mother, has been worrying over you so much. The King isn't much of a comfort though. He keeps saying that they'd try to find you as soon as possible and, believe it or not, I find that ridiculous. But I know he's just fulfilling his duties."

Remaining silent, I take a deep breath and inhale some air to try to calm my nerves down. A lot has happened these past few weeks and I'm not even sure how I'm standing up, enjoying this little scene happening in front of me. I miss my mother so much, my family back in heaven, and I'm not sure how I would be able to get back home. I'm not even sure if I want to go back home just to leave Slate.

"Adrian, war has just begun. This is a great war," Leandre puts a hand on my shoulder and I whip my head to stare at him in the eye. His eyes are twinkling in a sad way. As much as I hate to admit it, as much as I want to deny it, I know the next words that would come out of his mouth is true. I wish I could change that. I wish I could change my past. "You are an angel, Slate is a demon, and when the time comes, you must choose. I know Slate has a big place in your heart now; he's part of you already and you have become a part of him. This war we are in, it's stupid, but we're doing this to protect our home, to protect them, the people. But you know what I'm hoping for? Things wouldn't go south."

"I know," because that's the only thing I can say for now.

"You know what else I do hope?" I shake my head. "When that time comes, the day of choosing, I hope you choose that would benefit us all. You're the Angel of Love, Adrian, you're the personification of that, you'd know your decision immediately, and I will trust that, and you will have my support."

Hugging him is my response back. I'm at loss for words, as if I've become a dumb person. My mind has become blank, and the only thing I can pour out right now is my emotion. Happiness, gratefulness, for having such a friend.

Leandre hugs me back tight and chuckles. "Isn't your demon great though?" I pull away and blink the tears that are threatening to come out.

He jerks his head towards Slate's direction, who has become so annoyed with the kids/pups and he's literally growling like a tiger and showing his demon fangs to those poor kids. But the pups don't seem to mind. In fact, they are clapping like they have just seen the funniest thing in the world and start climbing on him.

The kids laugh as Slate tries to wiggle them out, finding it fun that a demon is minutes away from slaughtering them all. I hear him saying that he's a great demon and capable of destroying things, even life, but the kids just ignore him and continue climbing him. They start poking him on his cheeks.

Shaking my head, Slate looks our way and gives a deathly glare, his nose flaring as he tries to get out of those pups trying to shower him with adoration. Leandre just rolls his eyes playfully and mouths to me: he's a psycho and walks away. I laugh and shake my head as I watch the funny scene unfolding in front of me.

Deciding to help him out instead, I walk over there and Slate gives me a childish pout. The kids start laughing louder, some of them wheezing already, as Slate begins to move his muscles around and starts to walk towards me. Once he's in front of me, he leans down and pecks me on the lips and the kids squeal, trying to cover their eyes with their cute little fingers. But there's a peeking happening though and Slate chuckles. The kids start to climb down on him and run to their parents as they call them out, making Slate sigh in relief. And once he sees me grinning, he rolls his eyes and flicks me on my forehead, making me flinch and glare at him.

"That's for letting them torture me," his lips get into a thin line as he leans down again and stares at me in the eyes. Moments after, his hands cup my face and he places his lips on mine gently, "and that's for being so utterly cute and adorable."

I blush, hiding my face by resting my forehead against his strong and puffed chest. I huff.

"Seriously you're being dangerously adorable now," he groans as his arms wrap around me.

"How dangerously adorable?"

"Do I really need to say that?" He smirks and there's an evil glint in his eyes. "I prefer to say it in the dark though, while we're alone together in a room as we enjoy each other's company..." His voice becomes very deep and groggy in a sexy way. He begins to plant kisses across my bare neck and inhales, his hot breath fanning my skin.

Gasping for air, I manage to say, "A little bit scandalous, a little bit dangerous, Slate,"

"Did you just recite an Ariana Grande lyrics?" He asks as he pulls away from me. I tilt my head in confusion, furrowing my brows, wondering who on earth Ariana Grande is. "Oh forget about it, you haven't enjoyed much about being a mundane. Next time, remind me to take you out in the music store to let you enjoy the mundane music. And oh, that song is basically about initiating some hot scene, if you know what I mean. I'm so into you, into you," he wiggles his brows at me and my blush has gotten deeper and redder.

"You, Slate, are such a perv,"

"Only when it comes to you, baby," he whispers right in my ear and I shut my eyes.

I can feel another issue arising, and that's the thing dangling between my legs. Apparently Slate knows and expects it, as he gives me a sly grin. He parts his lips and brushes it on mine. I can feel the adult werewolves looking in our way. Heck, I can even feel the Great Alpha and his mate looking at our direction but they are not really doing anything. I heard from Leandre that werewolves are naturally into that stuff, so they wouldn't give a damn about two or more people or werewolves or whatever kind of creatures are there going in for it.

"Don't you think this is too... public?" I ask him, putting some distance between us as I scratch the back of my head.

There's a mischievous glint in his eyes again and I wonder if I said some dirty, naughty things. I can't recall anything. Slate comes closer. "Why? Oh, I get it, you want to enjoy me in private. That, I understand. Don't worry, babe, I'm all yours."

The term of endearment has me huffing and it makes me want to hide in embarrassment. "You're crazy."

"Yeah, only for you, baby, 'cause I'm so into you, into you, into you," he sings, smiling from ear to ear, and gives me a long kiss on the lips.

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