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"I couldn't love a man so purely
Even darkness forgave his goofy way
I've learned love is like a brick you can
Build a house or sink a dead body."
- Lady Gaga, Judas


Stupid mortal. Stupid angel. Stupid me.

How could I ever forget that he's my main enemy? That he's an angel, vanished temporarily from the house of Angels, in the land of Heaven, who serves greater purpose on Earth? I don't know if Hadraniel, or Adrian – whatever his name is, is a warrior angel, or an Angel who has a greater role to serve.

I'm not afraid of him. No, I'm far from that. I wasn't even thinking about fear until now. If he were to have his power back, use it against me, he's still no match for me. I have a power – an ancient power – that can kill millions and millions of angels. Well, I had a power that could kill millions and millions of angels. No kidding. But I have yet to obtain that again.

As of the moment I bear the title of a Great Marquis of Hell when I used to be a Great Duke of Hell, just like Dantalion. But I lost that title after being captured, and locked out in a purified cell, by the angels, specifically by the King and Queen of the Angels. Fortunately, I got out, got freed, after a few of the prophecies happened. Just thinking of those bastards who locked me in a holy cell is enough to boil my blood, and since Dantalion crosses my mind, I want to wreck things, pour his blood all over his body while his head is being ripped off. Of course demons don't really die, just like the angels.

If we demons get killed physically, our soul will be buried hundred feet under Hell, and we will be formed, then we will be reborn. First the conscious, then the mind, then the urge for blood, then body, and then mind. Angels are different. If they die, well, I don't have any idea. Angels are not much of a storyteller. I had captured an angel before, and the angel wasn't really talking much at me but he did a lot of talking back, which led me to kill him earlier than intended.

I still remember the way his eyes roll at the back of his head as I clawed his chest, tearing the stupid uniform of theirs, which were apparently holy. It burned my hands, but it wasn't enough to hurt me. Well, it hurt, but not much. I clawed him so much that after I was done with him, I wasn't able to recognize him. From his face down to his body. I was hungry for the blood of the angels – there was so much rage, hatred, and anger living inside my body. And the fact that it was a war between angels and demons (it has always been the war between the two), made me want to kill more and more and more angels. There was this thirst that needed to be quenched, and the only way it could be quenched was to see the angels' blood, ichor, cake all over me, all over the road I walk on, all over the place I would be.

"So what's up? Why are you staying here in my place?" Aeshma asks, my greatest friend ever. Or not. I got used to Aeshma being around me. He's basically my follower, though Aesha has his own team to supervise and lecture and train. Aeshma, in a demon world, is a demonification (personification), if that's even a word for rage, or wrath, or fury. I think that was the reason why we're friends, or acquaintance, or buddies, or whatever we are. "Something's troubling you." And then his eyes twinkle brightly. Aeshma isn't really the brightest demon. "The fallen angel."

I look away. I'm not ashamed to tell the truth, after all we only tell the truth, the truth that most angels and mortals don't want to hear, but it has me thinking: Why should I tell him that this disturbance is being caused by an angel who has been punished to be a mortal for Satan knows how long? I shake my head. He may or may not be the brightest demon ever, but he can see right through me. We demons share the same goal: kill the angels, unleash the evil, and rule the Earth, the mortals. But tonight I'm not sharing my goal, which I don't even know what is.

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