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"Look at him, look at me,
That boy is bad, and honestly,
He's a wolf in disguise
But I can't stop staring in those evil eyes."
- Lady Gaga, Monster

"What the actual fuck in Hell are you doing?"

The demon – Slate – spats to me, his voice coated with so much venom that I feel like it's going to tear my skin and make me die. I flinch, my eyes stay squinted, as if I'm still preparing for the blow that I know will not come; yet.

When I look at the demon Slate, his hand is raised in the air, still in a fist, and Maki is doing the same thing. The way they breathe, the way their chest heaves up and down, lets me realize that they have stopped fighting, and that I've really done something stupid that could get me killed. My whole body is frozen, feet stuck on the ground, as if it's somehow glued to it. Slate's nostrils are basically flaring, and the way he glares at me lets me know that I will be in a big trouble.

There are wounds on his face, which I can't bear to look at. They are really fresh, and blood is still oozing out. Same goes for Maki. When they were fighting, I have realized that I got tricked. He's a demon, just like Slate, but he's been way nicer than Slate. But I still remember the look he had on his face – he was so calm, so at ease, as if he was never afraid of what was coming. And he definitely knew what was coming. He scares me. I would like, or prefer, to see an angry Slate, than be fooled and stabbed behind my back.

"Stop fighting," I say, almost below a whisper, so low that I thought they didn't hear it. But they are demons, why am I surprised when they did? "You're going to... destroy the house with all the throwing and you might attract... humans. Mortal humans."

Maki bursts out laughing, as if what I've said is something that kids would love to hear. What I've said is not funny. What if his neighbors hear what the commotion was about? What if they go here, and they see two demons fighting? I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest, glaring daggers at Maki. He leans down on me, so close that the tip of our nose touches, and a blush makes its way into my cheeks, heating it up.

"Cute," he comments, grinning up at me.

This triggers again the demon behind me. Slate moves so fast, as if he's a phoenix, I don't see him move or do anything. All I know is that Maki is flying across the room. Slate scoops me up like a groom would do to his wife after their wedding ceremony, and his wings stretch out even wider that I've ever seen, and it begins flapping wildly, and soon enough, we're busting the roof of Maki's house and we're flying up high in the sky.

I look scared and confused, but somehow I feel calm. I feel... safe. Somehow. This confuses me. Why would I feel safe in the arms of a man, much less of a demon? I look down, and see that we've gone so high that the clouds are already blocking the view below. In fact I can't see anything but clouds.

Looking up, I see Slate's jaw is clenched. I see the tip of his horns protruding from his temple; I can't get a better view since his head is tipped upwards. Blood is still oozing out, some of it has already dried out across his bare neck. I make a face. There's still a blood, a liquid one, across his jawline and I brush it away, which makes him tenses. Nonetheless I continue to do it.

His jaw is so firm, and strong, and the stubbles on his chin are ticklish and soft against my fingertips. I actually like running my fingers across his stubble. He remains tensed under my touch, and I have this part of me that wants to make him calm, to let him know that I'm okay. I continue to do it, feeling the hair against my fingertips. I wait for him to snap at me, to tell me to stop what I'm doing, to let me know that he's uncomfortable, but he doesn't do anything. He just continues to fly, and fly, and fly, never speaking to me.

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