She's Gonna Kill Me

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I awake and sit up straight in the warm bed. I looked around and see that, I'm in a room that looks to be a boys room. I get up and look at the time. 5:35 Pm.

What the heck. I've been asleep all day. I start to look around the room to try to figure out where I am. The room is so big. There is a desk in the corner of the room with corner shelves on the wall filled with trophies. Right next to the deck was a large book shelf filled with books and picture frames. Actually, all over the walls there were pictures and posters of different sports and people. Then there was the bed, placed in the corner of the room, with a poster on top that shows Michael Jordan, and..........

I need to get out of this room, Cosette is going to kill me. I look to my side, finding a mirror, doing it's job and showing me my reflection. I knew that the person looking at me was me but it didn't look like me. I was looking at a person who was mummified from the head to the neck, and had the same raps on the arms and the legs. I only had a little opening for my eyes and my ponytail.

Just then a beautiful woman came in with a tray that contained a bowl of soup, salted crackers, a cup of orange juice, and a small pot of flowers that says "get well soon" on the front.

"Oh, I didn't know you were up. You must be very confused. I'm Anna, Ash's Mom. He told me he found you on the sidewalk in a pool of blood. I sent him to school later on and he should be back in a few minutes. If you are wondering why you have bandages on your face, it's because you were all scratched up and I used my family's secret recipe on them. I think it might be time to take them off now."

She puts the tray down on the nightstand and starts to pull the bandages off of my face and limbs. When she finishes, I turn around to the mirror, and find myself completely healed.

"Wow, thank you so much!"

"Your welcome dear, I made you my famous homemade chicken noodle soup, so eat up and get some rest."

"I'm sorry, can't stay here."

"Why not."

Just then I hear the front door open. There was a sound of rushing feet, running up the stairs. Then the door opened.


I felt big arms wrap around my body, and the smell of marshmallow bubble gum fill my nostrils.

"Ash" I whisper

"Are you okay"


I start to pick up my stuff

"Where are you going"


Ash's mom walked towards me

"Honey, come with me."

Ash waves to me as I walk out of his, room following his mom, clutching my stuff in hand. She lead me to the living room and sat me down on the leather couch.

"Honey, I want you to live with us for a while. And before you say anything, I would like to tell you that I know that you live in an ally. I know that two years ago your parents died and you have no one to take care of you. I know that the reason that you were found in the middle of the sidewalk is because of Cosette, I know everything that has ever happen to you in your life. I know because.......I-I have a thing. A thing where if I think of someone's face, I can know their whole past, present, and their feelings."

My mouth is hanging open right now, I right away close it when I realize. I can't believe that she has a....a.........power? Does Ash have it?

"Please stay, I know it sounds crazy but you need to believe me. No, Ash does not have it. But please, you need to make up your mind now be-"


"Ash I'm here."

Oh no

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