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I walk into the lunchroom with my tray in my hand. I look around, trying to find Gunner.

"Sage! Over here!"

I look to the side and see Gunner waving to me. He sat at the table in the corner of the room. His friends were waving to me and eating their lunch. I walk over to them and as I do, I see Rebel sitting by herself at another table. I walk over to Gunner and sit down next to him.

"Is she okay?"

Gunner looks to Rebel and looks back to me.

"Her. Oh, I-um......I don't really know her."

"I'll be right back."

I get up and go over to Rebel.


"Oh, hey!"

"Why do you sit alone?"

"I don't. My friends are just not here today."

"Oh, okay. Well, you wanna sit with me for today?"

She looks over to my table and gasps.

"You sit with them!"



"Um.....well, my boyfriend sits there and I sit there with him."

"Who's your boyfriend?"


"What! You're dating the most popular guy in school! How!?"

"I knew him before I came to this school. It's complicated."

"I have time."

"Uh......well my parents died and I got taken in by a family in my old school. In that family, there was a boy who used to be a girls boyfriend that is in this school. She moved here and is wanting to kill me."

"Is she the girl who was screaming in the hallway this morning. I think her name is.....Cosette?"

"Yeah. Her boyfriend became my boyfriend and we were together for a while. We came to live here with Gunner and his family. Gunner and the boy I dated were cousins. We decided to go to school for a while but when we came to see this school.....he cheated on me with Cosette."

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay. I liked him....a lot. But then I got with Gunner. I-I'm sorry. I'm probably boring you."

"No no. I just have one question."


"Who is that boy you dated?"

"Well........he goes here now. I try not to talk to him but, we have a lot of classes together."

"Yeah, but what's his name?"

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