What Now?

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It's been a month. Everyday they keeped on cutting me, torturing me, making me live in the conditions of their basement. He wanted to see me suffer before he killed me. He didn't let me go to school after that. I knew that I had to do this. I need to keep them safe. I don't like the pain of going through this everyday, I sometimes wanted to run away or call for help but, I knew that I needed to do this.

He told me today that while Pierce was at school, he would do it. He would kill me. I walk onto the cold, moldy basement and towards the metal table. He made me wear a pair of black shorts and a black spaghetti string tank top. I was anxious to get it over with. To finally rest. Gunner and Ash know that I'm still alive and I got to say goodbye to them. I'm glad I got the chance to do so when I did.

"Please, just make it quick."

"Well that wouldn't be fun would it?"

"Just..........don't take to long. I want this done and over with as fast as possible."

"Fine. Get on the table."

I get on the table and lay down as he ties me down with rusty metal chains.

He goes over to the bloody counter and puts on some white gloves as if he's a dentist ready to fix my teeth. He opened his tool box and takes out a bloody axe.

"This is the axe I killed your mother with. It was a glorious day. But my stupid brother had to take you. I have been trying to track you down for years, trying to find you and kill you. I saved this for when I kill you. And finally, the day has come."

He raises the axe high in the air. The door of the basement opens and down comes Pierce. He looks scared.

"Uhh, dad. Um can I t-t-talk to y-you?"

"Not now! Don't you see I'm busy!"

"It's r-really important."


I hear a loud bang and down come Ash and Gunner.



He charges towards Ash and Gunner. Gunner pulls out gun and shoots him in the chest. He falls to the ground and grabs Gunner's leg. Gunner falls to the ground and gets cut in the arm with the axe. My dad grabs the axe and stands over Gunner. Right when he's about to swing, Ash charges at him with a knife.

He stabs him 5 times before my dad pushes him to the side. Pierce runs to me and unties my chains. I run over to Gunner and he holds me in his arms. My dad looks to Ash and holds up his axe. He then falls to the floor. I look to Gunner who has the gun pointed at where my dad was standing. He laid there on the ground, no sight of life left in him.


I started sobbing. He held me close to his chest. I look up to his arm. The cut there was deep. Blood was all over his shirt I look to Ash and see him holding out his knife to Pierce, not letting him move from the corner that he is sitting in. I sit up and look at Gunner's cut.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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