Art of revenge

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"Morning!" – you saw a smiley blonde waved at you across the room.

"Morning Kaya!" – Your smile immediately faded- "Perona..."

"Y/N..." - her monotonous voice showed mutual feelings.

Sparks could almost be seen thrown between you too. Everyone noticed the tension, except Kaya of course, but they didn't care as they were used to it already. Every day, Perona would always glare, talk back or do both just to annoy you, it seemed to make her day. But somehow she would always still be a friend. Unlike her, Kaya was an angel in person, always ready to help with whatever you needed, you loved spending time with her. If only she wouldn't hang out with that devil so much...

"You came just in time!" – The blonde signaled for you to sit on an empty seat beside hers - "Ms Hancock was just about to make an important announcement!"

"Attention please!" – Hancock clapped her hands walking towards the center of class –"Now that we're all here, my dear students, I've made a decision..."

As always, her long speeches bored you to death, your tired eyes began to weigh as you drifted away from reality. Kaya would smoothly awake you, but not this time, not today, not now that he came in.

"Welcome our new male model, Law!" – Your worst nightmare walked through the door as you tried not to choke.

"Are you ok?" – Kaya patted your back while Perona laughed at your face.

"He's hot!" –You glared at Perona before looking back at Law.

He was smiling handsomely, greeting every single one of your classmates, glancing over at you once in a while. This was payback, he was testing your patience, you just knew it.

This was obviously Hancock's brilliant idea, her face showed immense happiness in your reaction. If only you had concrete proof to blame her for yesterday's incidents... no one said it was easy to play detectives, especially against a teacher.

He openly flirted with every girl in class, even your friends, Kaya and Perona. Kaya was too innocent to see through it although she uncomfortably rejected him, while Perona simply enjoyed every bit of it. Hancock pretended not to hear anything of course.

Oh, how you hated this playboy side of his!

"Girls!" – Hancock called – "Let's work like usual! Law, you'll make a different pose every five minutes, each girl will choose one at time."

Everyone nodded, including Law, and got back to work. He stood on a platform in middle of class, you took your chair and your sketchbook and sat right in front of him, while the rest of the girl sat all around him.

It was clear he didn't get what you were trying to do, and honestly at first you didn't know either, maybe you had just done it out of jealousy, but now it was different. Now you had an idea in mind, it just had to wait.

According to Hancock's instructions the girls asked for numerous different poses, Law gladly did them without any complain. When it was your turn... you played it cool and asked for another random pose, visibly feeding his ego. He thought you wouldn't dare, but you did.

"Two can play this game..." - You murmured to yourself as you stood up to get another material from your desk.

Kaya and Perona seized the opportunity, along with other students taking a quick break, and also went to their desks for more material, which was perfect for your plan.

Law saw you whisper to your friends and eyed you suspiciously. You smirked back at him while walking back to your chair making him tense a little but he disguised it with a seductive smile towards the girls near him.

"Ms Hancock!" – You raised your hand – "I would like to suggest a nude sketch if it was possible."

The class turned into tomatoes, you almost laughed.

"We've already drew many nude female models before, shouldn't we do the same?" – Kaya backed you up with her innocent look.

"Like we always do?..." – Perona gave the final knot.

Hancock stayed speechless for a couple of seconds but she clearly didn't have a choice as all the girls looked at her with an approving expression.

"O-Of course!" She nodded nervously at Law who effortlessly took his clothes off.

His visibly irritated face grew redder upon seeing your wide sadistic smile. You could swear he was at his limit, but you had to make sure...

"Ahem! The boxers..." – You remained very serious when he looked at you with a death glare.

You and Law screamed on the inside, but for very different reasons! He took his boxers off and the class either blushed or nosebleed. You made an effort not to nosebleed, but you still let out an honest smile. One of a little girl in love.

Law saw this and looked at you with an eyebrow raised, still pissed off, but quickly averted his eyes from yours as his cheeks flushed a little. For a second, you felt like there was something more, something probably neither of you knew existed, something elder people called true love?


I think I said it before, but I don't remember, so anyway... your class is only consisted of girls (Hancock doesn't teach boys for obvious reasons).

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