Purple: Deeper Ambition

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Sunday morning came and you felt even worse than last night. You felt like your head was on fire and about to explode from staying all night long thinking of that stupid letter.

To make things even worse, Law had noticed your change of behaviour and started questioning you, and oh boy, when he did was he stubborn!

You wondered if you had been living with a child all this time but didn't notice because of its adult 'needs'... plus size.

Either way you almost snapped at your lover to leave you alone that morning, which he did, and now you felt like the worst person in the world.

You stared at the ceiling as if the answers would suddenly fall down upon you and sighed.

You were acting like a child again and you knew it. But was there really a good way of handling things?

For a moment you even wondered why you were so mad. It was just a stupid contest! It's not like you dropped out of college or lost a job!...

Well, perhaps a future job...

Yet you were frustrated... why though...

Thinking back on your studies and dreams you don't remember ever wanting to do body painting, this was actually the first time you had tried it and it was fun!


That was it!


It was fun! It wasn't your dream job or anything similar as a matter of fact!

The excitment of trying new things, that's what motivated you so much! It wasn't the body painting itself!

Now that you had reached that conclusion you felt like a bus ran over you with guilt thinking about how you snapped at Law... You should definitely apologize!

Yet you still had questions that needed answers before confronting you lover.

Looking at the digital watch beside you, you saw it was almost lunch time so you decided to quit your childish ways and get down to work on the kitchen. Your questions would have to wait a bit longer, your lover came first, and food.

As you left your room you were extra careful not to make any sounds when going down the stairs. You felt your hear beat accelerate and the tension in the air increase as you neared the living room.

Slowly peeking inside, you saw Law laid down on the sofa with Bepo on his belly, probably taking a nap.

Reaching forward, Law's head turned towards you as he immediately spotted you. He remained silent, analysing you carefully with an enigmatic expression on his face, like he was trying to resolve a puzzle or disarming a bomb.

You smiled lightly at his confused expression and... was that slight fear you were detecting?

You giggled, walking up to him, croushing in from of him.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour earlier this morning." – You gave him a light kiss on the lips and continued – "Truth is I was mad at a letter I found yesterday in the old mailbox. It was from the jury, they decided to disqualify me."

You could tell he was worried despite looking uninterested, you knew he was just giving you time to explain and vent everything out.

"I'm really sorry for snapping at you. I shouldn't have, it was just a stupid contest. There will be many more in the future."

Law grew tense at your last sentence you laughed in surprise.

"On come on! I'm not that scary!" – You laughed at your lover's cute pout and took the now awoken Bepo into your arms.

For Art (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now