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"When I said I wanted to meet your parents I didn't mean tonight!" - You breathed in and out like a pregnant woman about to give birth in your seat as Law drove the car beside you.

"I'm sorry... As soon as I told them, they canceled everything on their agenda just for today!" - He sighed visibly tense - "They can be a little intense sometimes."

"It's natural, they're your family." - You gave him a reassuring smile despite all the screaming inside your head.

"Just please remember..." - He shifted in his seat once more - "Don't be afected by what they tell you. And this isn't a test, there's no fail or pass... It is just a game..."

You nodded apreensively trying not to freak out while listening to Law's awesome advice on how this was all just a game of pressure from his parents to see when you would snap. Sometimes you just wished he used his intelligence for more than just studying...

After a few minutes the ride turned silent, Law seemed to recieve the message as you refrained from responding to his blabbering, or rather, from killing him or sewing his mouth shut. Your body was shaking slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by the doctor, he too regreted his words.

Just as he pulled over and the nerves began to kick in once more, Law turned to you, his warm slender hands cupped your cheeks and his piercing eyes followed yours.

"Don't panick! You won't mess anything up. And even if you do i'd still not let you go." - With those caring words he kissed your lips longingly spreading a sweet smile on your lips.

You nodded, unsure your mouth could formulate words anymore.

The light from the porch went on and you both knew that was your cue. You got out of the car chanting positive thoughts inside your head as your trembling legs worked their way up the small set of stairs to what now looked like your personal gateway to hell.

Law took your hand in his squeezing it once in a while in a comforting manner as you two waited for the door to open. In seconds the sound of numerous locks being open were heard as well as the giant door in front of you, revealing a young couple in their early fourties, both wearing blue and silver grey matching outfits.

The woman, slightly smaller than the man, wore a dark blue dress with small grey strips emphasizing her elegant slender figure and silver drop earrings and necklace, while the man wore a light grey suit and blue shirt with a blue rose on his pocket, matching the one on the top of the woman's braid.

Quickly glancing at Law's dark blue, almost black, suit you concluded that not only did this family have the genes, as well as the money and fashion sence. What an unfair world!

Back to reality, Law's parents stood still observing you, obviously checking you out just like you had done to them seconds ago. You blushed, realising how oblivious you had been but also relieved the tall couple was smilling at you.

"Hello love birds!" - His father's greating and mother's giggling surprised you.

"H-Hello Mr and Mrs Trafalgar! It's a pleasure to meet you!" - You smiled brightly as Law moved in front of you to greet both his parents with hugs and kisses.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you too sweety!" - Mrs Trafalgar was the first to speak - "Please come in. Right this way."

As the elegant slender woman made her way to the dinning room,  you follow hersilently with Law and his father behind you arguing something about his subjects in college.

Observing the drastic decorative changes around the house, you noticed most of the large curtain's windows in the dinning room were closed, leaving the thousands of candles around you to iluminate the large dark room.

For Art (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now