History of Art

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"L-Law?!" - You panicked to the sound of his voice behind you as you turned around.

In a quick momevent your face automaticly turned to the side, your eyes searched for a way of escape from his piercefull stare as a small pout formed on your lips.

"W-What a-are y-you doing h-here?" - Your irregular acute voice betrayed you.

Law's widdened at your oddly familiar expression. Not beeing able to hold it nor wanting to, Law's shoulders raised up and down at the sound of his own chuckles.

"You've..." - He spoke between loud and clear giggles - "You've been spending too much time with Luffy!"

You didn't know how to react at first, but hearing Law's laugh made you relax and undo that weird previous face expression of yours. Soon you joined him in slight giggles as a pink dust colored your cheeks.

"S-Sorry..." - You apologized as the mood cooled down - "I just thought... t-that maybe y-you had heard me..."

Your previously focused eyes on the floor shot up towards the sexy man in front of you at the gentle caress of his hand on your cheek.

"I did see it all... and I liked what I saw." - His thumb traced your now crimson flushed cheek in circles - "That's one of the reasons I like you, my rebellious little kitten."

Althought he was smirking, you could see a faint pink color on his cheeks as his eyes examined you cautiously. Quickly you lost yourself in his eyes, gazing passionatly for a moment, only waking up afterwards in realization...

"A-Are you checking me out?" - You suddenly remembered your relieving skirt and tank top.

"Can't I?" - He gave you one of his usual seductive smirks as you pouted angrily.

"P-Pervert!" - You covered your chest in a self embrasse as you made a mental note to never wear the slightest revieling clothes near Law.

"C'mon, we still have a date to go to!" - He grabbed your hand pulling you along with him as he walked towards the exit.

"B-But I'm not properly dressed!" - You saw him looking at you from the corner of his eye without stopping.

"Those are good to me." - His second intentions were so obvious you stook out your tongue like a child - "Not yet dear, we'll leave the tongue work for later..."

With that your muscles became tense as you walked hand on hand, which you hadn't noticed until you both walked outside the building. You felt his fingers interwine with yours, unconsciously making you smile like a creep as you innerly fangirled.

His hand, way bigger than yours, felt surprisingly soft. You had always expected them to be more rough, but it made sense as a medecine student he had to have a gentle touch. Again, your body betrayed you as you unconsciously caressed his hand.

"Someone's in the mood..." - He smirked as you gasped retrieving your hand immediatly in embarassement.

"I'm not..." - You mumbled not bearing to glace at him a single time.

"It's ok, you don't have to be so nearvous about it." - He stopped walking when already stepping outside the gateway - "I want our date to be natural and romantic in the purpose of getting to know each other."

His sincere smile melted your heart. You nodded agreeing to once more walking while holding hands.

"We'll leave the caressing to later when we're at my house, shall we?" - His provocative smirk annoyed you.

You tried your best to ignore his provocations as you walked towards your destination. It didn't take long before you two arrived at the entrance of a very beautiful park. Law explained to you that this was a very antique and highly regarder natural park, it protected many species of birds and plants, some even almost extint, but that wasn't the best part.

For Art (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now