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No one's P.O.V:

You start walking up to the love of your life, who was at the moment talking to her friends; Dinah, Normani, and Ally.

Suddenly your slammed into the lockers and you groan loudly.

"Don't try anything freak." A way to familiar male voice says.


The word that describes you, because you have a penis instead of a vagina. All through middle school and now your last year of highschool...yay.

You look up at the voice and he chuckles while grabbing the collar of your shirt, lifting me up, and pinning you against the lockers.

Little did you know that lauren was being held back by her friends.

Laurens P.O.V:

He's. Fucking. Hurting. Her.

That motherfucker is touching my girl.


Not on my watch.

The girls are holding me back.


As I'm silently plotting brads death, I watch as Y/n's face scrunches in pain as he knees her in the stomach.

I look away and stop struggling against the girls. They give me comforting squeezes and let me go.

Everyone, and I mean Everyone, knows that I have a crush on Y/n.

Everyone, but brad.

He refuses to believe that I have been in love with her since middle school.

Now everytime we are near each other, he's there to make sure we don't end up together.

But not at last hour...

Suddenly the bell for last hour rings and everyone rushes to their classes.

The only people in the halls are Y/n and I.

I rush over to her and touch her cheek.

"Lauren?" she squeaks out.

"No, Mary freaking Poppins" I say and I hear a giggle come from the girl.

"Your such a smartass" she says with a giggle and I roll my eyes. Helping her up, we walk into last hour and we take our seats next to each other.

Since our last hour is a free period, the girls walk up and check up on her.

"Hey, are your ok my child?" Ally asks as she gives her a hug. I smile at Ally's nickname for Y/n and think back to why she calls her that.

One day Ally was on her phone until Y/n started snatched it out of her hands and ran around my house while playing angry birds on her phone, of course dodging thrown bibles from ally during the process. Its was the most adorable thing I've ever seen and after ally caught her she told her that shes like her child and as you can see that has been their 'always'.

"Of course mama ally" she says with a smile as the rest of the girls hug her and take a seat near us.

It was quite for a moment.

"Your not a freak" I said which catches Y/n off guard.


"I said, your not freak" I say again but with a smile as I intertwine our fingers together, she looks at our hands and then at me. Giving me a soft smile, she kisses my hand and giggles as I blush.

"Thank you green eyes" she says.

The girls groan and we look over at them.

"What?" I ask and the look at us.

"Just start dating already! You two act like a new married couple anyways" Dinah says which causes me to blush a deep red and for Y/n to laugh. After another moment silence goes by, Y/n starts to speak.


My head snaps towards Y/n who was writing on a piece of paper while having a blush and small smile on her face.

"W-what?" I ask, while remaining flustered. I look up and see the girls with wide eyes.

Suddenly she pushes the piece of paper over to me and slowly starts to rub the side of my finger with her thumb.

The girls instantly stand up and rush to my side as I look at the words written on the paper.

'Roses are red, Violets are blue, I want one thing, and that thing is you. Lemons are sour, Honey is sweet, I didn't expect this to happen, but you swept me off my feet. I am stupid, you are smart, but I'm bright enough to give you my heart.

Call me a dork but the truth is, I am coward, because I've been In love you since the midnight hour.

My courage was knocked off track by a storm, but now its back on route,

So Miss Jauregui​... Do you want to go out?' 

I was blown away and beyond happy.

I look over to see Y/n drawing on her hand and I giggle. Leaning over I kiss her cheek and she blushes, I smile.

"I would love to" she smiles and I giggle while resting me head on her shoulder.

I love this 'freak'....

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