I Loved You

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Your P.O.V:

I stood in front of her, tears steaming down both of our faces. The girls looked down in shame behind her, knowing what she has been doing behind my back.

"I trusted you..." I say, as I look at her with...not anger but disappointment.

"I gave you my heart, after I told you time and time again that it was to hurt to love" I say as she looks me in the eyes in the driveway.

"You broke me officially, I thought you were going to be the one that would repair my wounds and shield my heart when I needed you too..." I say as I pick my bags up from the ground and place them in my car. She watches as I do this and tears start to fall faster from her face.

"You...You were the love of my life...I loved you" I say and she gasps.

"You still lov-" I cut her off.

"That was before I found you asleep in his arms in our bed" I say as I throw my phone in my car, I hold the door open before stepping in. I look at the girls and they felt my stare, soon looking at me with broken hearts.

"I thought I could trust you three...you said you would tell me if she was doing anything funny...you promised me" I say with a shaky breathe. Ally starts to sob and Dinah looks away, Normani looks at me with tears and looks for any forgiveness in my eyes...she found none, I sigh and look at the four one last time.

"I hope you all fulfill your dreams to the fullest" I say with a sad smile, I look at Lauren and she's sobbing harder than ally, I see him standing in the doorway.

"I hope he makes you happy" I say simply, soon getting in my car and backing out of the driveway that connected to something that I thought was my home.

Soon leaving everything that I believed in, and loved...

I loved you...

Lauren Imagines Where stories live. Discover now