Her Time

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Your P.O.V:

As of right now I'm searching for my girlfriend of three years on her tour bus.

When I look into our shared bunk, I find her looking a little pissed off.

"Baby? Are you okay?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.

"Are you sure you want to talk to me? Why don't you talk to that hoe you've been talking to all day" she says angrily and I look at her confused.

Then realization hit me, I burst into laughter and she clenches her fist.

"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?! YOU THINK LEAVING ME FOR SOME SLUT IS FUNNY?!" she yells and I stop laughing after I calm myself.

"That 'hoe' and 'slut' you're talking about is my mother, its her birthday today" I say with an amused smile. Her angry face drops and she looks at me for a moment. She then puts her face in her hands and groans loudly.

"I am so sorry baby" she says through her hands.

"Its okay, I have a feeling that your time of the month is coming" I say and she looks at me.

"Why do you say that?" she asks and I smile at her, while laying down next to her.

"Well, you have been eating everything in sight and then complaining that you're fat and have regretted you life choices, also you have been very overprotective and jealous when I'm around the girls or anyone else. And you are very sensitive." I say and she playfully gasps.

"I am not sensitive!" she says and I laugh.

"Babe, you cried over the fact that Milkmen aren't a thing anymore" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Whatever" she says and I laugh.

"I love you" I say and she smiles brightly.

"I love you too" she says and kisses me softly.

"Okay, I'll go to a target near here and grab everything you need for your time" I say as I get up and put on my shoes.

"Thank you" she says and I smile.

"Anything for you green eyes." I say as I give her a kiss goodbye and walk towards the door.

"Don't talk to the cashier if its a girl! She might get ideas!" she yells and I laugh as I exit the bus.

That's my jealous cuban.

Lauren Imagines Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα