Scared To Touch Her

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Your P.O.V:

I can't believe I did that...

Lauren ha gotten pulled into an ally by some creep while I was in the bar grabbing her phone that she left.

When I found her trying to get out of his grip, I gabbed him by the back of the collar and his arm. I broke his arm in one quick motion, and kicked the side of kneecap, breaking it out of place in one kick.

When I looked back at lauren, she looked terrified.

I felt my heart break as she ran to the car and hid in it.

When I got into the drivers seat, she wouldn't look at me for the whole car ride.

Now its a few hours later since we got home and I've been sitting in the living room, with my head buried in my hands, ever since.

The girls have been comforting her upstairs and I have been hearing her cry.

I want to go up there and hold her but the way she looked at me...I don't trust myself to touch her.

You see, I grew up in the hoods of Chicago, where it's 'do anything to survive'.

I told myself I would never show lauren what I know, because I knew she would be scared of me afterwards.

Suddenly I hear soft footsteps come downstairs and into the living room.

"Babe?" I hear raspy voice ask and more footsteps walk into the room.

"Are you okay Y/n? What's the matter?" asks the voice of ally.

I feel a presence in font of me and take my head out of my hands to see the green eyed beauty looking at me with concern, while the rest of the girls watched behind her with the same look.

"Baby?" she asks and tries to grab my hand.

I quickly pull back my hand and she looks at me confused.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" she asks and tries to grab my hand again.

I quickly get up and back away from her.

Lauren and the girls look shocked at my actions as I look at lauren with fear.

"Y/n...are you afraid to touch lauren?" asks normani and I look down.

In the corner of my eye, I watch as lauren gets up and walks a closer to me. She stays arms length away and holds out her hand. I look up and feel my pulse quicken as she does this.

"Y/n, I know you. You would never hurt me on purpose. You are the most sweetest person I've ever met. You always let me scream and bitch at you when we're in arguments, but you never yell back or get physical. You always watch your strength when we're playfully wrestling, and you always are able to give me a piggyback rides for hours oh end..." she pauses with a chuckle and looks me deep in the eyes.

"You are in control of you strength, and I was not afraid of you, I was afraid of what would of happened if you didn't save me in time" she says truthfully.

"I'm not afraid of you, and I never will be" she says with her adorable smile showing.

She waits for me to take her hand and I think for a moment.

I extend my hand and place it in hers, she smiles and pulls herself into my arms.

"I love you" she mumbles into my chest.

"I love you too" I whisper in her ear.

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