Its Kinda Obvious You Oblivious Idiot

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Your P.O.V:

The girls and I were sitting on the couch in the bus after our concert.

Well I've been sitting here a lot longer since I'm their opening act.

A certain green eyed beauty walks out of the bathroom from her shower and looks as beautiful as ever.

"Where you off to lolo that you have to get re-dressed?" Normani asks and I look at lauren a little more to see that she is dressed up for a night on the town.

"Brad is taking me out" she says with small smile. I feel my heart shatter, but I keep a straight face.

"Oh cool!" I say with a fake smile and I see her frown a bit. Quickly getting up and stretching, I excuse myself to my bunk.

When I climb in my bunk, I lay down and shut the curtain.

She doesn't like me that way...

As I continue to think, I hear my curtain open and I feel arms snake around my waist.

"Are you okay y/n?" the intruder mumbles into my shoulder. I smile and chuckle slightly as I turn around to face them.

As my y/e/c meets green, I smile at her. I have gotten very close with lauren since the last tour since I was their opening act last time, and I kinda built a bond with her. The girls joke that 'Lauren basically made you the fifth member now' and I always laugh because its kinda true.

Soon I realize she's waiting for me to answer her question and I snap out of my thoughts.

"I'm okay lauren, really" I assure her and she gives me a look that basically says 'bitch you best not be lying to me', I laugh a little and sigh.

"Okay, you caught me, I just feel a bit under the weather. That's all, I swear." I say as I lie through my teeth. She seems to buy it because she starts to worry.

"D-Do you need me to get ally or make you some soup? I can cancel my plans with brad and I'll-" I cut her off.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Lauren don't cancel on brad again! You two have planned tons of stuff together and you've dropped him for me for the last three times!" I say as I play with her fingers.

"Okay I will admit, I dropped him the first two times, but the last time was because you ran so hard into a wall that you passed out!" she states with a sly smile. I blush a deep red in embarrassment.

"Yeah...that wasn't one of my proudest moments" I giggle back.

"Lauren! Brads here!" dinah yells so load the it vibrates the bus a little.

"Woah! What was that!?" dinah yells when she feels the vibrations.

"That was you with your loud ass yelling!" Normani yells back and lauren and I burst into a fit of laughter.

"Ally are you going to defend me?!" dinah asks and I hear ally laugh.

"Sorry your alone on this one DJ" she states and giggles.

Soon lauren gets up and looks at me.

"Are you sure your going to be okay?" she asks and I nod, she frowns a little and turns to leave. I quickly grab her hand and she looks back at me.

"Yes?" she asks.

I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles.

"Have fun green eyes, and thank you for wanting to take of me" I say as I look up at her and smile widely, she smiles back. I soon let go of her hand and she walks to the front of the bus.

"Bye girls! Bye Y/n!" she yells and the girls yell a quick goodbye.

"Be careful green eyes!" I yell and I hear her giggle, soon the bus door closes and I sigh.

I close my eyes for a moment until I feel someone slap my forehead. I freak out and slam my head into the top of my bunk.

"Agh!" I yell as I clutch my head.

"Are you oblivious!?" yells the familiar voice of dinah.

"What?!" I yell back.

"Lauren tires to spend every waking moment with you and you just blow her off!?" she yells, which makes me even more confused as I continue to clutch my head.

"I don't know what's your- Arg! My head!" I yell and soon ally pushes dinah like god just gave her the strength of a fucking Mac Truck, which if course sent dinah flying sideways.

"Are you okay Y/n?" ally asks in a worried tone which of course I shake my head no. She quickly runs to make an ice pack. Soon normani jumps down from her bunk and looks at my head.

"Aw crap their is a bump! Good going dinah! Now Laurens going to freak!" she yells at the girl who is still on floor because the strength of ally knocked the holy into her.

Soon ally comes back and puts the ice on my lump.

"Its okay seriously guys, dinah just scared me" I say as I slowly stand up from my bunk and hold my hand out for dinah to take. She gladly takes it and apologizes to me.

"Okay, now explain why you were yelling at me." I ask as I sit back on my bunk and dinah siting on laurens across from mine.

"I guess your really are oblivious" she laughs as I look at her confused.

"About what?"


"What about her?"

"Its kinda obvious you oblivious idiot" normani says as she climbs back to her bunk.

"Huh?" I question and she laughs.

"Lauren likes you! Like a lot! She wants you to ask her out!" ally yells and I blush furiously as I set the ice pack down.

"B-but brad-" dinah cuts me off.

"You mean her media stunt fake boyfriend?" she asks and I let that sink in. I soon groan and cover my face with my hands as I realize all the signs she has given me since we met.

"I'm such an idiot..." I groan as I put the ice pack on my lump.

"Hey guys, have you seen my phon- oh my god Y/n! What happened?!" yells a worried lauren as she runs over and checks my head. She gasps as she removes the ice pack and gazes apon my bump.

"How did this happen?!" she yells at the girls who have now ran away from the angry cuban.

I smile and laugh.

"Its okay lolo, it was accident" I say as I hold her hands in mine. She blush and I giggle.

"I'm not oblivious anymore" I say.

"Huh?" she asks in confusion, I laugh and lean up to her ear, whispering in her ear.

"Go out with me..." I say and she shivers as my breath his her ear.

She nods slowly and I look into her eyes, then at her lips. She too starts staring at mine and we lean in slowly, soon we're an few inches apart. I feel her breath hits my lips and I shiver a little, and close the gap between us.

As our lips meet, I feel fireworks go off and my stomach do backflips. As we parted for air I look into her eyes and lay my forehead against hers.

"I love you..." I whisper and she smiles.

"I love you too" she whispers back and looks deep into my eyes.

Sometimes being oblivious is a good thing...

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