I'm Not Sorry I Loved You

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? P.O.V:

"I'm not scared about what will come tomorrow because you were my yesterday..." I say with a sad sigh.

"...and if I have to pay for your presence with a few years of pain and emptiness then fine;" I say as I clench my jaw and shut my eyes, making sure no tears fell.

"I'll pay that fee happily" I smile sadly.

"Because everything has a price..." I sigh again but with a slight chuckle.

"We took leaps and bounds and no one can measure our journey in miles..."

"Circumstance can be a lovely lady but that bitch bites hard..."

"She snatched you before I even saw the end coming..."

"But I have these memories and they keep rolling in my head"

"They come alive when a day without you is too hard to swallow..."

Tears slowly cascaded down my face and I swallow hard, trying to fight back any more.

"I miss you..." I croak out.


"But I trust what we built"

"And I hope I still reside behind your eyes..."

"So when those eyelids shield you from the rest of the other world..."

"...your memories come alive again..."

"...your memories of me..."

"This is all I have but..."

"It's enough for me" I smile widely at the ground.

Its silent for a moment and my smile fades.

"You were mine once..."

"I watched you blossom..."

"And now I have to let you go" I whisper the last words and scrunch my eyes from tears trying to fall, failing immediately.

"But I'm not sorry I loved you" I say between sobs.

"I will never be!" I yell and continue to sob.

I try to catch my breathe and calm down.

After a few minutes I finally calm down enough and stand up.

"Thank you, Y/n. You are my one and only" I say as I kiss the top of the gravestone.

"I'm still mad at you though" I say as I kiss the top of the gravestone again.

"You better hope to god that I don't kill you in the afterlife" I whisper and kiss the gravestone a final time before walk back to my car.

Its been four years since the car accident and I'm still not over it...I'll never be...

I lost the one who loved me more than her life...


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