Dead Cat...

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funny enough it started off as a normal day at Lockwood and Co., we had packed all the necessities we'd need for the case we received from a nervous Mrs Catherine who came in this morning. She had rung her fingers together, gripped her floral dress. Her thin wrinkly skin was slightly pale.

"Is this your whole company?" Her prissy voice said. she eyed the door obliviously thinking to leave. Lockwood smiled reassuringly as George placed some pound cake on the table.

"Yes ma'am these are my employees George and Lucy." She nodded not sparing us a glance, I felt slightly offended.

"would you mind telling us about your case?" Lockwood said kindly.

"Well, I've been hear noises," she started boringly. When a story starts like that I'd often slow my self to slightly doze off... "Are you sure you can handle my case?"

I stared at the wood patterns in the coffee table as Lockwood assured her we were the best company for the job. George jabbed me this his elbow bringing me out of my trance. I shot him a glare rubbing my arm. Miss Catherine was chattering away oblivious to anything other than Lockwood. Lockwood smiled kindly who beside his look of fake interest was truly bored, he would shoot me and George glances from the corner of his eyes.

"And that's when I found him!" Miss Catherine shouted causing me to jump. "My poor cat Sammy! He laid in the back, ghost touched!" Lockwood's fake interest was replaced by a small glint of curiosity.

"You mind telling us what he looked like?" said George holding a note pad,

"Well he was swollen and blue."

"And is there anything you know about your house past that might of caused this?" Mrs Catherine froze.

"No! Nothing at all!" She said wiping her hands slowly down her skirt.

"Anything at all?" I asked watching her strange behavior, she was definitely hiding something, Lockwood gave me a glance confirming I wasn't the only one who noticed. Mrs Catherine stood up brushing off some imaginary dust.

"I believe that is enough information. I would like this taken care of as soon as possible. Today if you can." George's flopped through our schedule.

"We could do 8:30 tonight if you like."

"That would be perfect. I'll be waiting to give you the keys, thank you Jorge, and Lacy- And you too Lockwood." She pulled her thin lips into a tight smile, before she disappeared out the door. I stifled my laugh as I glanced at George's face.
I checked my watch, it was really getting late. I sifted through my duffle bag mentally checking things of my list. This evening George had had plenty of time to research the clients house. His glasses were low on his nose as he read an old newspaper in his hand,

A dull thud signaled Lockwood was coming up the stairs. Lockwood came up, his black hair falling in front of his dark eyes- I snapped my eyes back to my duffle bag trying to focus counting the chains and trying not to blush from the small 'hi' smile I saw him give me from the Corner of my eye.

"come up with any good information George?" George pushed his glasses back on the brim of his nose.

"miss Catherine's house seemed pretty normal at first but just got darker the more that I dug. It's going to be tougher than we originally thought— This house was originally owned by a man named Carl Haps, he was put to death for the murder of 2 children, another girl named Cindy also went missing in the area but she was never found."

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