Thin walls?

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You now what I said about the walls looking thin...well I learned that people will freak out if you randomly jump up and charge at a wall. Besides the crazy looks I was getting I also had a painful throb in my shoulder. My team mates probably thought I was still possessed. I tried to ignore there looks and whipped around,
"Are there any windows you have passed?" They snapped out of there trance as George replied,
"Ya, we came across some window wells when we were coming down here, all of them had bars though and we wasted 3 flares trying to open them." Lockwood stopped starring at me with an strange look and nodded his head.

"We came into a room with a lot of physic energy, but we soon realized it was underneath that had that so now we're in the basement." he said. Eve twiddled her dark brown hair. I got up and picked up my rapier from the floor,
"Are we going to go or not?" I said starting towards the door, automatically I was pulled back by Lockwood.
"That's why we were trying to wake you up... the next room is where the source is." I froze. Looking around I noticed the grim faces, as they started to pack up the supplies and get ready for the sure to be battle.

"Nobody has to go in there," said Lockwood to the group, he continued talking but Eve pulled me away from the boys.

"What the Ev-" she cover my mouth and pulled me to a private corner,
"Lucy, I think I know what the message means." She rushed out quickly piercing me with her clear blue eyes. Realizing she meant my, 'possessed ghost voice message' I looked at her confused, but before I could say a thing she continued on still rushed.
"Well most of it anyways," she ran her hand threw her hair before continuing."I think that 'monster human thing' is part of the 'whole' that's imbalanced, I think that it's the dead part and needs to be balanced with the living."my eye widened, but soon my eyebrows furrowed in confusion,
"But that wouldn't work-" a huge bang cut me off, George had just opened the door air started to be pulled out of the room, I felt my body becoming weightless as I slide toward the door before my fingers clenched onto a crack in the cobblestone wall, I was hit by a large object but managed to keep my hold on the wall, I opened my eyes to find Lockwood next to me holding onto my leg, I looked around the room, Axel was holding on to the bed that I assumed was bolted down, holding his hand was Eve. Kyle was stuck behind the bed being pushed into the frame. My eyes searched for George but I couldn't find him. Panic hit me. I probably just didn't see him right? I searched the room frantically, I called out his name many times but the sound was swept away. I look down at Lockwood who look like what I felt, George had been taken in. I felt Lockwood slip down my leg before he regained his grip, my heart jolted as I tried to pull him back up, soon we were face to face, Lockwood held on to the same crack squishing our hands together tears were whipped from my eyes as I stared at him, he look shocked and broken. My body was numb from the suction and pain. What was this source? A bloody black hole?! My hair was pulled backwards pushing into my face. Lockwood cupped my face pulling it so I met his eyes. Then leaning in he pushed his lips to mine and softly kissed me. Sure it wasn't easy in the circumstances, but my insides still clenched up as I kissed him back. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.
"Lucy, I'm so sorry."
And then he let go.
Muahahaha. ;)
Gio .

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