Mend a whole or a hole?

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I held my rapier high entering the next room. I searched the area for physic energy, I kept my ears open for sounds. The group spread out checking the room, if there was a strong physic force we would do farther searches or we just waited in an iron circle for a while. If we didn't find anything unnatural we would move on to the next room. The group mostly worked in silence giving my brain a lot of thinking time. In a haunted house most of the time you have to control your emotions, I'm pretty good at it. But when I'm with Lockwood, I can't control this new unfamiliar feeling. I mean, I couldn't control even my body each time he touched me. Did I like Lockwood? No doubt. I would think that drawing pictures of us holding hands would be enough to specify that, I only had one picture of us kissing, the only time I had to give into desperation, cause even if I wanted to draw certain images I couldn't, I was to afraid that my journal wasn't safe. And how right I was. After Lockwood read my diary I had gotten ride of that picture and added new precautions when in my journal. There was also another thing I thought about, Lockwood kissed my cheek! It was so quick I barely noticed, but when I did, my stomach did repetitive somersault. I was probably like a friend? Maybe? No? I don't know. Was it bad that I hoped not? Like normal girls I completely over analyzed it. And of course I thought of this as we search threw the house I'd probably die in. After scanning the room, and finding nothing we started to head into the next room.
"Wait you guys," said George his rapier falling to his side,"what if it's past night and we don't know and we run out of time?"
Eve sighed,"To tell you the truth, I think they were bluffing to get you to hurry, I mean, how would they find us in this house?"
"And how do we know we haven't been going around in circles this whole time?" Said Kyle, his Southern accent noticeable. He had barely talked this whole time.
"I don't think doors were really mixing up," I replied," I think that our brains were mixing them up."
"So?" I said," how do we know we're not mixing them up right know?"
"Well, know that we are organized and-" George cut me off,
"Well I don't think-" Lockwood cut him off this time, and a full blown argument broke out. I don't know what it was but I was pissed, anger coursed through my body my heart thumped loudly as the group started yelling at each other, we screamed our ideas at each other, none listened to other ideas but tried to get there's heard.
"Well I think if we have different ideas we should split up!" Yelled Kyle,
"For the first time I agree!" I snarled back. Anything to get away from them. Just as another shout out was about to happen Lockwood yelled over the noise,
"SHUTUP." Silence filled the room, our echoes still bouncing of the walls,
"You guys are stupid! Don't you know better than to fight in a haunted house?" The anger automatically deflated, for the first time I noticed the temperature drop several degrees, ghost fog filled the room and a painful buzz filled my ear.
"It's coming back." My voice shook I could hear words, for the first time, at first it was a billion voices all screaming the same words, but all the sudden, they all combined to say the same sentence.
Two willing halves mend a whole
I cried out but stayed in my feet, suddenly I felt my body go numb, my eyesight went black and I could feel my feet lift ground, wind blew in the room blowing hair in there eyes as they watched me in shock, I felt my throat vibrate as I spoke words not in my voice, at first it sounded like a million voices trying to speak at once but then again they came together screeching the same sentence,
Two willing halves mend a whole
Suddenly my vision came back to normal and shouted as I fell to the floor with a thud. I felt the wind stop around me, my eyes were so heavy and my head pounded, I felt body's circle me...
"Lucy!" Someone shouted shaking me out of my thoughts,"Luce!" I snapped my eyes open to come face to face with Lockwood, Axel, Eve, George and Kyle.
"What the heck just happened?!" I shouted as I tried to get up. Lockwood pushed me firmly back to the ground. They looked around nervously.
"Wait, was I just floating?" Eve nodded shyly. For the first time I noticed we weren't in the same room I fell in, and instead I was in a grand bedroom, in an iron circle,
"Were are we?" I said again trying and successfully sitting up.
"Well," said Lockwood rubbing the back of his neck, "we- well I kind of carried you  after your- errr, thing." He ended lamely, I almost laughed at his attempt to be sensitive.
"Ok," I replied standing up, what ever Lockwood expected it wasn't that.
"We were just resting and we tried to wake you up." He said standing up too. The room was huge, although it was bed room, I had a feeling we were under ground, I felt the thin walls, maybe we could break out! I wanted to get out of this bloody house!
So I've decided I just want to hurry and finish this book, and with summer I have a lot of free time so ya...
Giorgia . Bella . Lo Russo .

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