Sword play

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Lockwood, Axel in a sling, George, Flo, the skull and I, all stood around a table at Portland Row, (well in the skull's case, floated). sounds like the beginning of a bad joke— I know.

Axel had been released from the hospital earlier that day. After a bit of shock therapy he was starting to be able to move his fingers. To Lockwood's distaste we had all agreed to make a plan at Portland Row to save his sister—and to get ride of any 'threats' to my safety as Lockwood put it. Axel had drawn out the facility that held his sister Acela.

"I don't know all of it," Axel said trying to remember the layout,"I've only been in there once." Lockwood questioned him,
"Then how can we trust you to remember the whole lay out?" Axel marked a dot where Acela was located.

"Do you have siblings Lockwood?" Axel's voice was icy. They stared dagger eyes at each other. Axel didn't know that Lockwood's sister had died in this very house. Lockwood turned away, trying to look interested in the thinking cloth.

We stay up late in the night planning to save Axel's sister, Lockwood and Axel only got into one fight.

Finally, Lockwood forced everyone to go to bed, then another problem rose, where would everyone sleep? Flo called the couch, I gave Axel my room. Lockwood offered his bed to me, (which was amazing because he hardly let me near his room.) I decided to sleep on the ground in his room.

"Lucy you can take the bed I can sleep on the floor." Suggested Lockwood.

I laughed, "No Lockwood I'm not sleeping on your bed." He gave me a disapproving stare climbed in bed, then we both fell asleep.

In the middle of the night I jumped, I didn't know where I was, I felt around me, I felt soft bed sheets. I sat up and peered over the bed to find Lockwood laying on the ground in a small cleared space nestled between stacks of newspapers, boxes and books. He switched us! I laid back down and my comfort overcame my pride. no use in trying to switch back, Lockwood couldn't be moved when he slept anyway. I huddled up in the blankets, they smelt like Lockwood... soon I fell asleep.

Lucy laid on Lockwood's bed completely out, her mouth slightly agape, hair in her face— I tentatively poked her nose. She didn't move. Ah the power! I never was the one to wake Lucy up in fear of getting a face full of her bad morning mood but today I could make an easy escape. I ripped the blankets of her, and shook her vigorously. Her eyes fluttered open in confusion, her face scrunched up and she bared her teeth.

"What the—!" Her own sentence turned into a growl as she realized it was me. Time to make my exit. I darted out of the room and made my way to the table, now that my job was done I could help myself to the eggs I had made earlier. I sat down next to Flo, she must have washed the grim from her face because she was looking rather radiant.

Every one around the table ate in an awkward silence. Axel was the first to finish standing up right was Lucy walked in, she was dressed for the day , her classic skirt right uniform and 2 dark bags— eye bags. I couldn't help but chuckle at my own joke as I poured my tea.

Most of the day people just wandered around the house nervously checking supply bags once— and then twice. At one point Lockwood, Lucy and Flo went down stairs for rapier practice. I took the ghost jar to my room to study.

I had successfully gotten lost in the comforts of my studies studies when I heard a loud yell from the kitchen. It was followed by many shouts and the sound of rapiers being unsheathed. I flung my book from my lap and sprung up, the anxiety I'd been trying so hard to repress spiked, worse case scenarios filled my head—I ran down the stairs to see Axel and Lockwood stuck in a intense rapier match.

Lucy was trying to stop them by stepping in between but Lockwood pushed her aside like she was a damsel in distress which made face turn red with anger.

Flo stood in the back, she seemed to enjoy watching them quarrel, I had the desire to join her but knew I needed to help Lucy stop them.

Lockwood's face was calm, his jaw clenched. He was more serious then I'd seen him in a while. Axel's face was contorted with rage, his teeth bared as he spit out his words like venom,

"You know I'm sick of you. You don't care about anyone in this room other then yourself and your self serving company."

Lucy growled and unsheathed her own sword, she did a complicated wrist spin sending Lockwood and Axel's sword to the floor. Her eyes were fierce making you naturally recoil.

"I don't care about your issues with each other." Lucy screamed. "quit acting like kids!" With that she stomped up to her room. Lockwood quickly followed after her.

Giorgia Lo Russo

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