No shoes

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I was going to kill Lockwood as soon as I figured out how to open the stupid front door. I had a Bobbie pin and I was hacking at the door's lock. I was to mad to listen to George who was sweating next to me trying to convince me to go to the library like Lockwood had said. I wasn't going to do anything Lockwood said until he told me why he was acting so weird. He had pushed me out the door without shoes and then locked us out. I finally heard a click then the door swung open.

"LOCKWOOD!!" I screamed, George tried to grab me but I was already stomping into the house, I found Lockwood coming down the stairs,

"Hey Lucy how was research?" I punched him hard on the shoulder. He grimaced and rubbed it,

"You know, your punch is a lot harder than you think."  Anger coursed through me

"What were you doing Lockwood that was soooo important for me and George to be locked out of the house with no shoes?!!" Lockwood paused probably trying to come up with a lie.

"Lucy, what happened to you when we were kidnaped?" Lockwood's question took me by surprise, I forgot to yell.

"You heard what I said to the detectives."

"I know you're lying, now what happened between you and that ghost at Miss Catherine's house?" I stared at him, I hadn't told anyone a bout seeing Cindy, I had only drawn it in my sketch book...I suddenly understood.

"Lockwood," I said in a silently dangerous voice, "Did you look at my sketch book?" He looked at me panicking,

"No..." George seemed to know the severity of the matter and was panicking beside me

"I can tell when you're lying Lockwood!" My voice was rising, my eyes flashing.
"That's ok," I said," I can just ask the jar." Panic filled his eyes, he swore under his breath.

"It'll just lie Lucy, you know it hates me."

"You think it will lie?!" I ran up the rest of the steps and locked myself in my room. The ghost jar was sitting on the windowsill.

"First fight as a couple ... that's hard."

"Me and Lockwood are not a couple." I snapped. "All I want to know is what he was doing in my room last night." The skull would normally never give me strait information, he always had to make things complicated, but he had been stuck in my room for a while so he probably didn't want me to get angry.

"Pulling up your floor board" The skull's information didn't surprise me but still made me feel bitter inside. The rest of the day I didn't come out of my room, with only the skull for company which probably wasn't heathy. I wondered how much Lockwood had read. Did he see the drawing of us kissing? I had folded up that drawing as small as I could and hidden it in the flaps of the book for safe keeping.

In the morning I had no choice but to go down stairs to talk to a client, Lockwood tried to take this as a time to say sorry but I ignored him.

The client was an old man who was having a haunting problem on some of his land. We made a plan to meet him later when it started to get dark, I dreaded it. It was one whole night alone with Lockwood. After packing and getting to the haunted grove we met up with the old man.

"Ya'll can go all over these woods," our client said,"We don' know where dat ghost is." He led us to the place where the ghost had been last spotted by some trespassers.

"Can you tell me anything more about the ghost? Like how thick or thin it was or what it looked like?" Lockwood said inspecting the area.

" 'Em trespassers didn' say much." The Man said with a shrug.

"Thank you anyways, we'll get started on trying to find the source. You might want to leave the area." Lockwood said, the old man then left leaving Lockwood and me alone. We worked in silence, I set up the iron chains in a circle, Lockwood still inspected the area. Soon me and Lockwood soon sat in the center of the chains waiting for the ghost. After some silence Lockwood said,

"Luce, I'm so sorry I looked in your book," I pretended like I didn't hear him.
"I did because, I was worried for you...." this comment frustrated me, he was going to use 'he was worried' as an excuse?

"And I also wanted to see if you liked George." I couldn't help it, I laughed, He thought I liked George? "So you don't like George?" Lockwood said.

"No, why would I like George?" I stifled my laughter. Did Lockwood look relived?

"Opposites attract?" He jokes back.

"And why would you be worried enough to look into my sketch book that I beautifully hid?"

"Lucy, something happened when you we were captured that you didn't want the police to know, what is it?" I lifted an eyebrow,

"And how did you know I was lying?"

"Well the way you twirl your hair, and you tap your feet in a different rhythm then normal ..." he trailed off seeing me staring at him mouth open.

"You notice all that, about me?" I said awestruck. "Wow you're observant."

Wow, Lucy was very oblivious, did she seriously not get that I noticed every little aspect of her because....

Suddenly the bushes rustled behind us...ghost didn't do that.

"Hello there."

Lucy and I flipped around rapiers raised at a disheveled Axel not ten feet away. I raised my rapier a little higher, but before I could charge I felt an object rush past my head, it hit Axel right on the arm. Another flew by hitting him again, he shielded his face. Lucy came up beside me, in her arms she held small rocks and she was throwing them at Axel, she looked as angry as when I had looked in her book.

"NOT-AGAIN-AXEL!!" With each word she threw a stone. Axle shielded his face, I almost felt sorry for him.

Axel got angry and drew his sword deflecting rocks with his thin blade. Lucy threw her last stone.

"I need you to come back." His voice was deadly quiet but had the slightest shake to it.

"The audacity!"

"I risked everything on letting you letting you go and now I lost it all!" Axel screamed raising his sword and charging.

I stepped in ground of Lucy my rapier raised.

Giorgia  Lo Russo

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