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Sitting down at my vanity, my heart races as Tatiana is nearly ready for her date with Aldric. Odd name-yes, but it's more befitting for this man than anyone can imagine. His name is all you need to know just how powerful and muscular he truly is.

Picture this: jet black hair set atop his broad head with emerald green eyes framed by cheek bones that look like they were chiseled from stone. He's much like my dream man, and a replica of the image I used to create Tatiana-the alter ego I created to protect my identity during my night job as a sugar baby.

You see, during the day I'm a senior in high school-the typical invisible nerd. I walk by you down the same halls, and you can't put a name to my face. I'm one of the many blurred faces you pass in a crowd, but at night Tatiana comes out to play. I use a black wig for the most contrast to my normal dirty blonde locks, and blue contacts too bright to be natural to hide my dull gray eyes. Tatiana is sexy; she's the exact opposite of the real me-Lana Price.

She's confident and flirty where as I'm shy and timid. Tatiana is the embodiment of every mans' carnal fantasy, and that's how I make my money. As Lana I work as a part time barista for a local cafe, but as Tatiana I am a rather popular sugar baby for the rich and desperate male population of New York.

Popping in my final contact and making sure my wig is firmly in place, I sit and fidget with my fingers for five long minutes until my laptop finally chimes for our video date. My heart rate jumps even higher than it had just thinking about him, before I put my signature flirty face on and accept the call.

And there he is waiting on me with that panty wetting smile I could only ever dream about. Today he wears a blue denim button up shirt that hugs his muscular build, the top two buttons left alone to expose his rich, creamy chest dotted with fine black hair matching the dark curly locks that look like he's been running his fingers through it all day.

I've grown to love his crazy bed head over the three months we've bonded. At first he was just one of those rare good looking clients everyone wants to catch, but I quickly found just how different he truly is. He makes the standard deposits to my green dot account, and yet the only thing he's ever wanted from me was a good conversation. The few times we have gotten kinky I had to initiate because my body gets all hot and bothered just from his voice. It's rich like honey, and does things to me no man before him ever could.

Sure, I'm only seventeen, but I'm nowhere near a virgin. I don't have the time or patience for a boyfriend, so I took the proper measures in finding someone i can use that I knew wouldn't catch feelings, but that's a story for another time.

Twirling a lock of hair around my finger I bat my lashes up at the camera. "God, you get more beautiful every time I see you." Lana wouldn't have known how to handle such a statement from a man with such a high caliber, but Tatiana simply winks with a grin.

"I must be pretty damn beautiful then, because we talk every other night." In answer he sucks his bottom lip in between his teeth with a groan. My pulse spikes at the dark look he's sending my way.

Aldric wags a finger at me, tsking several times with that smirk I'd pay to wipe off his godly face. "As tempting as that look you're giving me is I just want to talk tonight."

Pushing my lip out I pout.

He simply chuckles. "I promise you, Anna, when you finally agree to meet with me in person I'll fulfill every dark fantasy in that wicked little head of yours."

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