12-Dragging Him Down

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After the visit with Sasha and the twins I'd felt more at ease. It was like a weight had been lifted off my chest and I could finally relax a little bit. That had been nearly four days ago, and currently I was doing my repeat routine since moving in to Aldrics' apartment. I woke up along with him as he got ready for work at the office, made breakfast, showered and dressed for the day, and then sat down to scower through the long list of help wanteds.

Glancing at the clock I was surprised it had only been an hour since waking up. Sitting on the couch in the same position, staring at a white computer screen for so long made it feel like eternity. With a yawn I gave my body the much needed stretch before getting up to get another cup of coffee. The stuff had become the only source of energy I had while I job hunted.

So far I'd applied at three convinient stores, two grocery stores, three clothing stores, and a kinky little sex shop looking for a cashier. The last was by far the most exciting job, but I wasn't getting my hopes up. Any job would do, I just needed a steady income, no matter how small, that I could put away towards my degree. Living with Renea I'd managed to save up roughly three grand. It seemed like a lot, but when tuition at most schools ranged from anywhere between six to thirty thousand I had a long way to go.

A banging at the front door drug my feet away from the kitchen. My brows furrowed as I tried to figure out who could possibly want something this early. Most people knew Aldric was at work, and no one that I could think of knew I'd moved in aside from the twins and Sasha.

Peeking through the peep hole I rolled my eyes when I spotted my mother standing with her angry mug waiting for me to open the door to her. It seemed even without being told she'd managed to figure out what was going on. I forced myself to take a deep breath and was surprised by how easy it was to put a smile on my face.

I didn't even get the door fully open before she pushed her way inside and passed me. It all happened so fast I wasn't sure what had went down except that my cheek stung something ugly. Reaching up I winced when my fingers grazed the red flesh. She had her finger pointed in my face, her mouth drawn in an ugly grimace, and her eyes were so mad it looked like fire danced within their orbs. "You are one awful person, you know that? You decide you can't ruin my marriage by bringing up the abuse," she used her fingers to make air quotes around abuse like it was a joke. "so instead you sleep with his son! He's your step brother you nasty like bitch!"

I was silent for too long to her liking, my mouth hanging open as I racked my brain with how she found out. Honestly, we had agreed we wouldn't hide our relationship from the world, even if they knew we were techniqually brother and sister by marriage, and if our parents happened to find out so be it, but we wouldn't be the ones to tell them. I flinched when she reared back to hit me for a second time, except she stopped mid swing when she noticed my flinch.

With a smile she dropped her arm to her side. "I don't know what drives you to make you want me to hate you, but for the love of God leave this boy alone. If you're trying to get at me through him it won't work. His dad loves me, and he won't let something like this effect his views on me. If anything you're putting space between a father and son. What do you think is going to happen when they come face to face after he finds out?" I gave her a confused look when she said that. Why hadn't she already told him? Surely that would be a good enough reason to get him hating me more.

She picked up on my confusion, going on to explain her motives with a sigh. "Seriously, you really are stupid. If I tell him he'll find some way to hold it against me. If I wait until he finds out himself and play stupid about the nasty shit you're doing with your brother he won't think I'll have any involvement in it. Don't think I don't see what you're trying to do, little girl." I didn't really have anything to say to her, so she took my silence as her cue to continue on her rant.

"You're going to say my abuse led you into the arms of your saving grace. Don't you think that's a new all time low, even for an online slut like you, to use the man that thinks he's saving your life?" Her words were like water off a gooses back, but one thing she had said in the beginning kept pounding away at my conscience. What right did I have to be the reason for a son and father to hate each other?

I was right when I told Aldric his father was too in love to believe my abuse, but what if he took it as Aldric conspiring against his marriage, instead of the heroic act it truly was? It was like a bucket of ice cold water was dropped over my head, and my mother seemed to pick up on my sudden change in demeaner. She folded her arms across her chest with a knowing smirk. I hated that she knew she'd gotten to me.

"Do the right thing for once in your life. Leave this family alone and don't come back. It's not like anyone wants you hear anyway." Even through all the years of dealing with both the physical and emotional abuse that one actually hurt. It was true. I thought I'd be okay because I had Aldric, but I couldn't let him ruin his relationship with his father just because he thought he loved me.

And that thought right there made my mind up for me. I'd thought love, but neither one of us had actually said it yet. Sure we'd agreed we felt something for one another, but nothing so permanent as love. I couldn't let something as minuscule as a crush he had for me affect his family, and that's really what it all came down to-Aldrics' family. Not my family, but his. I didn't have family, except for Sasha, and even then there was no way her parents would ever allow me to live with her. She couldn't afford her own place, and even if I was able to get one of those jobs I'd applied for it wouldn't cover even half of the living costs needed for an apartment.

I watched in silent turmoil as my mother walked out of the apartment with a smug grin. All I could think to do was lock myself in the bathroom and wait for Aldric to come home. He wasn't going to take the news too well, but it had to happen. He needed a relationship with his father more than he did with me. I'd only drag him down.

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LET'S GET TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER! Here is where I will list a few questions to ask you guys so I can get to know each and every one of you.

0. Comment here with any questions you have for me.

1. It's a shorter chapter than normal, but it's quickly coming to an end. How do you feel about her mother? Are you looking forward to seeing her story and her happily ever after?

2. Do you think someone like her mother will ever change, and does she deserve a happily ever after?

3. Where do you think this story is going?

4. Favorite books to read on wattpad? I always need something new (and finished).

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And don't forget to add this book to your reading lists if you want notifications. Also, I will gladly accept anyone who is willing to critique with me in trade for the same thing. I am always looking for help in perfecting my work.

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