8-No More Secrets

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"What in the world are you doing! You're going to catch a cold!" I find myself yelling as I jerk him through the door. His clothes are soaked through much like mine had been as I'd gotten settled in, worrying me of his health. He couldn't afford to get sick. "Let me get you a towel-" but as I go to walk into the bathroom he pulls me into his arms and holds me close.

For several long moments there is nothing but the sound of the storm raging outside and our heavy breathing as he embraces me. His arms are so large and warm, even through the damp clothing it's comforting. I let myself enjoy it for the few seconds I can until I push him away, afraid my resolve will slip if I continue to let him hold me. "When I got off work and found out they kicked you out I freaked. The weather was so bad and I didn't know where you'd went. I got lucky this was only the third motel I'd checked. I knew you'd be smart and keep it cheap."

I was stunned he'd bothered to look for me, but happy none the less. "Thank you for coming to find me, but I'm fine really. I have enough cash saved up from the café to support me here for tw-" he cut me off his a quirked eyebrow. "What?" I asked, not sure what he meant by that look.

"Do you really think I give a shit what our parents have to say? You're staying with me, Anna." At his nickname for me I shake myself, getting ready for the big reveal, but just when I go to open my mouth he raises a finger to silence me. "I'm going to go to the bathroom and get that towel you were talking about, and then me and you are going to have a long chat."

I sit quietly on the bed as I watch him walk towards my bathroom, stripping his jacket and shirt off on the way. My mouth waters at the quick glimpse of rippling muscle I get to see before he disappears around the corner for several long minutes. Sitting patiently by isn't something I'm good at, so I find myself fidgeting, and freezing on the spot when he finally walks out holding my Tatiana wig and contacts in hand.

His face is blank of all emotion as I realize he's already put two and two together. Looking up from his hands he blinks at me multiple times, giving his brain time to adjust to the knowledge it just received. It must be a big blow because he is speechless for so long I begin to get worried. "Will you let me explain? That's what I was going to do when I found you at my door."

The anger in him scares me as he barks, "What, work the corner as Tatiana?" Okay, ouch, that hurt. Shaking my head, I stand up and reach for the wig and contacts, but he side steps me and heads to sit on the mattress.

All I can bring myself to do is sigh. "I only do online chatting, Aldric. What I meant was I was coming to find you when you found me first and confess everything. I have feelings for you, and I don't give a shit anymore about what anyone else has to say towards it. So be it if it's wrong, because you can't lie to me. I know you have feelings for Tatiana, and I am her! You care about me and that's why you came here in the first place!" My voice was hoarse by the time I was done yelling my revelation to the man I cared for, but I grew nervous the longer he stayed silent, staring down at that damn shit in his hands that started all of this.

"So this is why you've been so distant with me lately." And for probably the millionth time that night my eyebrows hit my hairline. He wasn't sounding angry anymore, but instead tired and curious. "You were trying to keep from hurting me because we are step siblings now? Is that it?" His head lifted so that I could meet his emerald stare, and all I had to do was nod.

Within the next second I wasn't sure who moved first but somehow we were in each others' arms, lips locked, arms tightly wound around one another, demanding comfort from the other. I gave in and in return he did the same, reveling in finally being able to connect after so many months of torture.

When we finally pulled apart it was only because we were short of breath, panting into the dark of my motel room, trying to register what had just happened. His hands came up from around my sides to cup my cheeks, before that smile I'd grown to cherish took over and he bent down to gently peck my lips a second time. "If only you'd confessed when you'd first moved in. We could have been there for one another, Anna." Now that he knew and he was still calling me by that special name I felt butterflies swarm in my stomach.

Closing my eyes, I smiled. "God, I missed that name."

For several long seconds we stand in each other's arms until I feel goosebumps race over his arms and immediately remember he's still soaking wet. It was like I couldn't feel the child to his skin or the dampness left behind from his shirt. With new determination I reach go into the bathroom and get the towel he never retrieved before coming back and begin working it over his chest and arms, drying the skin I'd longed to touch for so long.

He stood there the whole time I cared for him, a smile on his face as he lifted his arms when I needed him to, and bend at the waist so I could dab his wet hair dry. "Thank you," he whispered once I'd finished, taking me completely by surprise as he pushed me back to lie down on the edge of the bed.

Aldric loomed over me, being careful of his body weight as he stared me down. My heart jumped up into my throat when he leaned in to kiss me once again. His hands gripped the sheets with a vice like grip as I gasped, my hands coming up to twine into his hair and tug. A deep, masculine groan erupted from his throat sending chills racing over my body. It was suddenly steaming hot in that cheap little dirty motel room.

Adjusting us so that he could lie down behind me we talked for hours about our true selves, and this time there was no secrets keeping us at a distance. There was no space separating our hearts, and there was no reason to fight it anymore. He told me he was so rude to me in the beginning just because I reminded him so much of Tatiana that is was painful, and that he would regret it for the rest of his days. So for the first time that night since Aldric had come into my life I fell asleep with a smile on my face, his arms wound around my waist to hold me close.

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LET'S GET TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER! Here is where I will list a few questions to ask you guys so I can get to know each and every one of you.

0. Comment here with any questions you have for me.

1. Cute right?

2.did you think he was going to ignore her now that he knew who she was?

3. Where do you think this story is going?

4. Favorite books to read on wattpad? I always need something new (and finished).

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And don't forget to add this book to your reading lists if you want notifications. Also, I will gladly accept anyone who is willing to critique with me in trade for the same thing. I am always looking for help in perfecting my work.

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