3-Bye-bye Booboo

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Waking up I'm rewarded with a farewell from my manager, and twelve text messages from Sasha demanding me to call her immediately. Instantly everything from last night comes crashing down on me and I feel a throbbing at the base of my skull. Rubbing at my temples I sigh. It's too early for this shit. I'd hoped it had all just been a bad dream but no such luck.

A knock at my bedroom door interrupts me from pressing call. "Lana, get up and dressed. We're starting packing today. You're going to finish schooling online once we get settled into Darius' house." My mothers voice makes all the anger I hid yesterday burst through the dam.

Storming to my door I rip it open, revealing a none too pleased frown on my mothers ugly muzzle. I've reached my limit of giving a shit about trying to avoid confrontation and be the daughter she wants me to be. It's obvious I never will be, so why bother continuing to try when I'm the only one putting forth effort. "How could you do this to me?"

She merely scoffs at my attitude. "Just be fucking grateful Darius is willing to take you in. After how rude you were last night at dinner I wouldn't be surprised if he told me to find you somewhere else to live. I fucking warned you, girl. You sat there like a damn statue through the whole meal even when he tried to talk to you!" We both knew that was a lie because he never once tried to talk to me, but I wasn't concerned with that.

My blood was boiling as I followed her into her bedroom where it looked to be like she was already nearly done packing. The only few things she had left was her bedding. "I can't believe you broke the news to me like that! How else was I supposed to act? This is my home! I have a life here!"

My words seemed to set something off in her because she paused in folding the sheets to spin on me, gripping my chin in a vise like hold. I could just imagine the bruises I was going to have to cover up after she let me go. "Listen here you ungrateful little girl." Her voice was eerily calm, something I was most scared of. I could see the rage boiling under her hateful gaze.

When it seemed my thoughts were straying too far to her liking she shook my face, making me wince from the pressure on my jaw. Meeting her eyes I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from voicing the pain, tasting iron from the bite. I won't show her how bad she hurts me. She won't get that satisfaction.

"I wanted to leave you behind. You can take care of your damn self, but Darius insisted. He's a good man, and I'm finally happy for the first time in a long damn time. And you will NOT FUCK THIS UP FOR ME!" I'm grateful the moment she starts screaming, because this side of my mother I can handle. I've dealt with it enough to know what to do, but that quiet, threatening side she showed moments before was scary. I wasn't sure how to deal with her, and that was honestly horrifying.

Her grip loosened, finally giving me the leeway needed to remove my jaw from her grip. Rubbing at the sore muscles I never lose eye contact, shooting her the most pissed off face I can muster up. "As soon as we get settled in I'll make myself scarce." My first item on my to do list before I even get moved in is to find another day job. And I'm going to be taking on more hours at night. It's all I can do to finally get that last big chunk of money I need to get out on my own.

Her answer was a short nod before she walked to her nightstand and retrieved a small notepad. "This is the address. I'm already packed so hurry the fuck up and meet me there so I don't have to deal with your ungrateful ass any longer." I don't even bother to answer, just reach for the paper and go to pack.

Only a mere two hours later I'm staring down at the five boxes tucked away in the trunk of my car that hold everything I own; my life fit into five cardboard boxes; it seemed as though I were so meaningless. My life is so small, so sad. Slamming my truck shut I quickly wipe away the single tear that rolls down my cheek.

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