1-Shit Hits the Fan

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I woke up the next morning in a rather cheerful mood. Which was odd enough in itself, but what made things even weirder was I found my mother, who I hadn't seen in nearly three weeks, waiting on me in the kitchen. "What's going on?"

She didn't even bother to give me an answer. Not turning around from her cup of coffee to look at me she sighed and said, "be home in time for dinner tonight." Then she left to go back to what I can only assume was bed.

The whole way to school I wracked my brain trying to come up with any reason why she would suddenly want to spend time with me. There were no special holidays and even if there was she'd never bothered to make it a family affair, and it wasn't dads anniversary. To say I was stumped would be an understatement.

Groaning, I decided to put it away and focus on school. Pulling in the parking lot I was met by the sight of my best friend Sasha waiting on me at the front door with a smile. She is truly beautiful, but doesn't see it herself. I hate the fact that no matter how hard I try to tell her she is gorgeous she denies every claim.

With soft strawberry blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes adorned with a warm complexion she really is one of the prettiest girls in school. She has a matching personality to go with it making her one of the most amazing people I've ever met. She's shy, but isn't afraid to stick up for those she loves, making her everything that I need in my life to stay positive and happy.

Bouncing up to meet halfway across the parking lot she blew me a good morning kiss. "How did last night's date go with Mr. Perfect?" She giggled, clutching her first hour books to her unfairly large chest.

I blushed, glad that I had someone that I could share my deepest, darkest secrets with. She'd known about my sugarbaby job since a week after I started it two years ago. Any time I need to get something off my chest it was her I go to.

"It went absolutely amazing until he brought up the usual argument." She frowned at me before she flicked me on the nose.

I winced, reaching up to grab my nose that now stings from her cruel punishment. "What the hell was that for?"

She gave me a pointed look with her hands now rested on her hips. "You know exactly what that was for. Why can't you just accept the fact that one of the most attractive men in New York wants to take care of you?"

I groaned, shaking my head. Not this again. "Sasha, you just don't get it. He's a client. There is a reason he has to pay me for my company. If I let every man that pays me for my time take care of me the way he wants to I would have a home in every city all over the state. And besides." I paused, taking the time to walk by her with a smirk. "If I give him what he wants then our little game of cat and mouse is over."

The only thing signaling that she was following me was the light clicking of her heels on the pavement as we made our way to the doors. "So my mother was waiting for me in the kitchen this morning." I knew it was like I dropped a bomb shell on her with how I didn't even bother to turn around as we continued to walk to class, but her gasp was completely over exaggerated. No matter how many times I try to get her to see my mother's side of things Sasha wouldn't get passed the way she had personally seen my mother treat me.

"What the hell did the she beast want?" I couldn't help the chuckle at her idiotic nickname.

I shook my head in answer. "I have yet to figure that out. All she told me before going back to bed was to be home in time for dinner."

Sasha hmms as she tried to think of a plausible excuse, but came up empty just like I had. Just thinking about it gives me a headache, so I told her not to worry about it, but I will keep her updated as the night went on. Agreeing that it was as good as it was going to get we headed into class.

After a long and grueling eight hours at school I made my usual pit-stop of dropping Sasha off at home before turning down my own road. Pulling into my driveway nothing seemed out of the ordinary as of yet. Still confused as ever I made my way inside to find my mother standing in the doorway in a bright blue summer dress actually blessing me with a small smile.

"Don't bother asking questions. You'll have the answers soon enough. Go to your room and get ready in the dress I laid out for you then come back down." Turning around to head towards the kitchen she called out over her shoulder. "We'll be waiting."

The whole time I was heading upstairs to my room I was trying to figure out who 'we' could possibly be. Walking in my room the first think I spotted was the dress my mother spoke of. It was a summer dress like her own, but instead of being poufy and frilly it was a beach style dress that clung to my chest before draping down to my ankles. Running my fingers over the black material I found it to be a soft cotton.

With a small smile I slid it on, taking a few moments to brush my hair out and straighten my glasses in my bedside mirror. Nodding I took a moment to admire myself.

The dress clung to my chest, making my normal C cups look larger than life, before dropping gracefully to my ankles. With my dirty blonde hair parted down the middle and pulled forward, and my small glasses perched on the tip of my nose I think to myself for the first time in a long time I look rather cute.

Not sexy cute like Tatiana, but cute as in innocent, shy Lana Price kind of cute. Plopping on some lip gloss just for the hell of it I took a deep breath to calm my nerves of all the mysteriousness from my mother before making my way down the stairs-stopping dead in my tracks as I took the shock of a lifetime.

"Lana," my mother cooed in a weird fake voice I'm assuming was meant to be caring as she sat across from two all too familiar looking men. "I'd like you to meet my fiancé, Darius," she cast the man a warm smile I hadn't seen on her face in years. "And his son, -" called it, I thought with a sad smile. "-Aldric. Come take a seat and let's have a talk, shall we?"

And there it was, ladies and gentlemen. You had all just witnessed the exact moment shit hit the fan.

On the outside I was faking a pleasant smile, but on the inside I was pulling my hair out and screaming and cursing the gods above for putting me in this situation.

Fuck me.

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LET'S GET TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER! Here is where I will list a few questions to ask you guys so I can get to know each and every one of you.

0. Comment here with any questions you have for me.

1. How far would you go if you were desperate enough to escape a dangerous home life?

2. What would you do in her place?

3. Where do you think this story is going?

4. Favorite books to read on wattpad? I always need something new (and finished).

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And don't forget to add this book to your reading lists if you want notifications. Also, I will gladly accept anyone who is willing to critique with me in trade for the same thing. I am always looking for help in perfecting my work.

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