10-Meet & Greet

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The ride back home was like taking a drive down memory lane. Aldric kept me occupied with talking about my friendship to Sasha. It was pleasant, and a nice way for him to learn a little bit about the infamous booboo before we showed up. I told him about the time I'd convinced her to sneak out. She'd been so scared that night she'd looked over her shoulder every other minute just to make sure no one was following us.

That was Sasha for you, though. She was the goody too shoes, everyone hated her because she was perfect, when in all actuality she had it harder than half the student body. Her parents were the strict as possible, Christian household that prayed before every meal, and every night before bed. She despised their lifestyle, merely because she felt she was in good standing with the lord, but didn't need her Christianity to rule her life. She wanted adventure, and that's why we got along so well.

I made her do things she enjoyed that, if not for me forcing her into it, she'd have never done on her own. It was fun to see how far I could get her to go, and she was so proud of herself every night after we'd went on an adventure. She saw it as her way of growing and finding who she was. So, the whole drive there I told Aldric about all the crazy shit I'd gotten us into, and he sat with a smile on his face, laughing at how crazy we'd been.

Pulling up to her driveway, I looked out to see the porch lights on, and everyone seemed to be in bed. Aldric gave a giant grin, making me rather confused. When asking what that giant smile was for he told me about his twin best friends that lived nearby he wanted me to meet. That was exciting news to me, that we had been so close to one another on multiple occasions when he'd came down to visit. We agreed to make a stop by on the way back home to his place.

Pulling my phone out I dialed Sasha's number, waiting until she picked up sounding groggy as hell to tell her to open her window so we could come inside.

"What the fuck are you doing, you crazy bitch?" I giggled at how excited she sounded. Opening the truck door I went to get out when the living room light flicked on. "Shit, hold on. It's my dads birthday so my uncles family is down staying the night. I'll meet you outside. Just give me ten minutes." 

I agreed with a smile, jumping up and down in my seat in excitement. When I saw his eyes light up I asked what was so funny to him. With a deep chuckle that set my blood on fire he said, "You're fucking adorable when you do that." 

Blushing a deep red I pushed a piece of hair back behind my ear, my smile nearly hurting with how happy I was. "You wanna know something, yourself?" I was taking a large leap on trying to act like Tatiana, and I hoped he enjoyed the small ounce of courage I had for the moment. When he nodded I took a deep breath, forcing myself to tell him exactly what I thought. "It makes my panties sopping wet when you cuss and laugh. It's the hottest thing I've ever heard."

At my small confession his smile dropped into surprise before it took on a sinister look. His eyes darkened as he reached out to me, pulling me towards him over the middle seat to be flush against his chest. His warm breath fanned against my face as I looked into his green eyes. If I'd thought my panties were wet before, they were now obliterated. With his large arms holding me pinned against him, and his face so close to mine, my heart beat was in my ears from the intensity of our proximity.

"If we weren't expecting your friend any minute I'd throw you down onto this seat and have my way with you." Grabbing my hand, he placed my fingers around the bulge growing stiff in his pants. He closed his eyes as I gripped, a deep groan sending chills racing over my body. "So fucking naughty. God, Anna, I need you. As soon as we're done here I'm taking you to Troy and Tuckers house. We're going to stay the night, and I'm going to make you wish you could scream."

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