its over

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Rouge pov---

Last night I had Lucy talk with Dan's ghost to see if it would help and it turns out it did well we think it did I mean she didn't have a nightmare last night so that's good.

I'm gonna take her on a date tonight to celebrate I also have a special something planned I hope she loves It.

Lucy pov-

The hallucinations havent happened today yet maybe all I needed was his forgiveness.
I still feel really bad for what I did I guess it just goes to show how much harm a lie can do.

Rouge seems happy that this is all over and he says were going some where to celebrate tonight but in the mean time rouge agreed to let me go and see fairy tail alto it took a lot of convincing. So were on our way there right now I used a troia spell on him when we got on the train so he wouldn't be vomiting every where.

At fairy tail

"Look rouge were hear"
He gave me a slight nod and we walked up to the huge wooden door and I kicked it open.

"Lucy you almost broke the door"
"Ya but I didn't" I gave a small laugh and he rolled his eyes at me which made me laugh even more.

"Lucy everyone is staring"
I looked around and he was right every set of eyes were on us or more accurately me.

"Lucy/lu-chan/bunny girl/cosplay girl/Luce" was shouted at me by everyone in fairy tail.

"Hi guys" I gave them a smile and a wave with my free hand as rouge was holding my other hand he gave my hand a little squeeze saying
'we can go if you want'
and I squeezed back saying
'its fine I'm ok'

"Luce are you coming back to fairy tail?" A pink haired shouted full of hope
"Nope just wanted to see my friends again"
"Oh Ok I wish you'd Come back but as long as your happy its fine'

Is this real? Did natsu seriously just say that to me? I mean remembering last time he asked me to come back.

*memory of last time*

"Lucy erm  I was wondering if you would come back to fairy tail I mean I know you hurt lisanna and all but that's all in the past."
"Natsu I never hurt lisanna and I'm not gonna go back to fairy tail sabertooth is my new family with rouge and Frosch"
"Lucy grow up and get your ass back in our guild! And don't lie we saw lisannas cuts and bruises"

*end of memory*

I guess Natsu has changed alot since the games.

I looked around the guild and saw my brother like friend


I shouted out his name in Happiness and ran over to him and hugged him. He smiled and hugged me back.

Rouge pov---

Ok I admit maybe I'm a little jealous. Ok you got me maybe im more then a little jealous that she just hugged a half naked man but she seemed happy so I'll let it slide.

Gray's pov-

Lucy's hear and she's hugging me it almost seems to good to be true I mean she left I thought I'd never see my little sister again alto is she really safe with that emo? I don't trust him! He has red eyes which gives him a evil aura but if lucys happy maybe he's not a bad guy.

Mira pov

Aww Lucy's hugging gray sooo cute when Lucy was still hear I really really supported graylu / gralu it became my main ship when Nalu got destroyed but my sister lisanna.

Lucy suddenly came running towards me.
"Mira I need to tell you something!"
"Sure lu what is it?"

Then Lucy whispered something amazing in my ear "Mira I'm ******* "
"Shhh keep your voice down"
"Does he know yet?"
"When will you tell him"
"Tonight. Do you think he will be happy?"
"He's going to be thrilled I can't wait"
"I hope so"

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