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"Hello Gerald, I'm Percy, and ah... where am I?" asked a stumped Percy. Percy got up from the bed and looked at the man straight in the eyes.

Gerald narrowed his eyes, they glowed red again, "You really do not know do you?" he asked easing up his posture.

Percy shook his head and Gerald continued, "You are at the circle of the druids."

Percy then asked a very strange question, "What is the year today?"

Gerald gave a questioning look, "According to the calendar of Numa, it had been 500 years since Rome."

Percy's head started spinning. So he was alive during Roman times, could the gods be alive? If so, he had to find Artemis, or her Roman form? What was it her name again? Diana?

"I see, so where are we exactly?"

"I told you, in the circle of druids." replied Gerald in a pissed of tone.

"No I mean like where, where like which country?"

"I don't know and look, that is enough out of you, I have some questions for you, starting with your name. What is it?"

Percy did not like this guy, not one bit, but if he wanted information he would have to comply, "My name is Perseus, Percy Jackson."

Gerald nodded, "That's a very greek name Percy. Now tell me, how did you get in here? It should be impossible."

"Look Gerald, I have no idea what you are talking about. All I know is that I woke up in here and I found you interrogating me."

"Intero-what? Look boy, this no time to be playing around, tell me-"

"Now, now Gerald, is that how you treat someone who just woke up from a coma?" said a voice. Percy looked and saw and old man by the door. The man wore a white robe with a leather belt and red cloak. On his belt was a golden sickle and several herbs.

"Grand master Brain," said Gerald, bowing to the man who walked in.

The man walked to Percy, "So, it's Percy is it?"

Percy nodded, "Now tell me Percy," asked the druid, "is this the first time you have time traveled?"

Percy jaw dropped and so did Gerald, "Bu-but how did you-"

"Know?" The man chuckled, "My boy, when you live to be as long as I, you will definitely learn a few things. Now, maybe it is time we get you something to eat, I do believe you have quite a story to tell us."

Percy nodded and the three men left the hut. Outside reminded Percy a little bit of camp halfblood. There are huts everywhere; some wooded some mud. There are several people outside wearing the same robes as Brain.

"Gerald!" came a cry. Percy turned around and saw a girl walking towards them, wearing an armour similar to Gerald's and has a little bit of muscle on her. She looked to be about the age of 19 or so and has blonde hair and grey eyes.

'A child of Athena?' thought Percy.

"Kila, what is it?" asked Gerald in a commanding tone.

Percy Jackson || The Curse Of KronosWhere stories live. Discover now