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Percy kissed his medallion and began his work. First thing's first, he had to fix Riptide. He took the sword and placed it on the work table. Percy knew what he had to do, the knowledge of Hephaestus flowed through him, but he didn't like it.

Percy took Riptide by the handle and struck the sword on the table causing the crack on the blade to widen breaking the blade in half.

Percy sighed, Zoė was so going to kill him if she ever found out. Percy gathered up the broken pieces of bronze and melted them in the furnace. Percy then reshaped the bronze into a rod the same size as the blade and attached it to the rest of the sword.

Percy the took this blade and started heating it up. The flames were hot and every few minutes Percy took the blade out to check on it's state. Too much heat and it will get warped, to little and nothing will happen.

Percy took out the blade from the furnace and started flattening out the metal rod of the blade on the worktable. It was hard at first using the hammer. Every time Percy struck the metal the hammer hurt Percy's hand. He got used to it though and after the rod was completely flattened out he put the blade into the furnace again to heat up.

This time when he took out the blade he put the blade on the edge and started flattening it out again, this time in the other direction.

Percy repeated the process until Riptide was reforged. Percy held up the newly made sword. There was a clear line where the sword was snapped in half, but now that part was where the sword was the most powerful. Percy however was slightly disappointed. He wanted to improve the sword, make it better, make it his.

And so Percy started to reforge the sword once again. This time he decided to change Riptide, to make it a weapon defeating a son of Poseidon. And so Percy went into Hephaestus's personal storage and brought out a cube of silvery metal called Adreium.

Adreium was a metal that Hephaestus had discovered while mining the sea floor. It had a special quality to it, when infused with a person's energy it could change forms to what the owner wishes. The down side only a person with a deep bond with the sea can use it. And since Poseidon didn't need a weapon and none of his other kids ever gained the favor of Hephaestus no one had ever used it, but Percy intended to be the first.

There was enough Adreium for one sword and nothing more otherwise Percy would have used it. And so Percy heated up his sword once again, this time he out in the entire blade and when he took it out he turned the entire blade into a rod, with the gift of controlling metal during forging he got from Hephaestus.

Now with a sword whose blade was shaped as a rod and a handle with a gaurd Percy set out to make the ultimate blade for a child of Poseidon.

Percy then controlled the Adreium with his mind and his water powers and made the metal coat the rod of bronze and a little went to garud as well.

Percy then smashed down his hammer on the metal. sparks flew as Percy reheated and smashed the newly Adreium coated blade. Percy folded the blade down on itself again and again until the Adreium and the celestial bronze mixed well together and became a finely mixed metal.

The blade in the end took the form of a black katana. It was now twice as long as Riptide and the gaurd though it had the same edges they were sharper and more curved.

Percy held the blade in his hand. The blade was perfectly balanced like Riptide but now it had longer reach and best of all it made Percy fell like a badass samurai.

Then came the ultimate test, to change the form of the newly made blade. Percy focused, he felt the blade through the air, through the Adreium in it. He then willed the blade to change to become like it once looked, like Riptide.

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