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Percy ran through the forest with a speed he did not know he had. He ran faster and faster until finally he reached the gates of the castle. The ones he helped build, ones he built with blood and sweat along with his fellow monks. Percy now looked at a broken down wall and he knew that things changed.

Percy ran into the city and saw the roads covered in blood. People were gutted and thrown on the street and Percy had never felt so helpless in his life. Percy ran to the tower and there fightin in the courtyard were the monks and the Yaoguai.

The demons were all humanoid, they had red skin but each of their heads were different. One had a human skull, another a flower and another a sword. Percy did not think twice, he flicked his wrist and Crescent Moon came to him and it transformed into a sword.

Percy jumped up and raised his sword up high, and with a battle cry that startled everyone there Percy plunged his sword into the first demon in his path.

The demon's head was sliced clean off and before it even fell Percy struck down another one. This was war and Percy was not going to hold back.

Percy activated the blessing of humans and let loose on the demons. He coated his sword with flames and soon his path was littered with corpses on fire. Percy's blade moved like lightning, was a swift and the only thing people could see was the path it laid out in flames.

One by one the demons went down, and one by one the monks felt their victory soon at hand.

Soon the demons were trapped. On one side was Percy, the living army, on the other side were the shaolin monks who were to be fread as well. Percy did not stop, he never heard their cries of mercy or pain. To Percy, the only thing that mattered was revenging the human lives that were lost.

And soon the demons were only but a handful, and Percy killed them all in one strike by extending Crescent Moon into a sharp whip.

As soon as the last opponent fell Percy turned around and looked into the forest in front of the castle. There in the forest line was a man. Even from this distance he was tall, and Percy because of the blessing of humans could see what the figure looked like.

The man, no the demon, was a humanoid monkey. The monkey had chinese armor on, and embroidered on them were flames that moved, danced even. The demons fur was red, the shade of flames. The monkey also had a crown on his head, again flames decorated the tips and by the side of the monkey was a spear which was red.

Percy looked at the monkey, and the demon looked right back. Percy could feel it in his soul, his mind, his spirit, his everything, this was who he was training for.

Percy, crouched down, and in one moment powerd by his blessing he jumped towards the demon monkey.

Percy landed 50 feet away from the monkey, he took out Crescent Moon and pointed it the monkey.

"Who are you?" asked Percy, his voice filled with anger and lose.

The monkey looked at Percy, not a word being said. The monkey simply lifted it's spear and turned around, it raised it's hand and suddenly behind each tree stepped out a demon. Their numbers were staggering, and Percy could feel the blessing of humans timeout.

Percy held up his sword and suddenly the demons charged at him with a war cry. Percy blocked the first demon, by kicking him back sparta style. When the demigod looked up he saw the monkey go into the forest but before he disappeared the monkey turned back and spoke to Percy, "I am Red Boy."

Percy's eyes widened at the name, not from recognition, but from fear. Percy had faced titans, he had faced Nyx the goddess of the night, he faced a giant green dragon and stared it down and even a snake straight from biblical hell, but when he heard Red Boy speak, every word felt like a spear of flames right into Percy's heart.

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