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Do you belive in other worlds? Aliens? You know Martians and stuff? Well you believe in demigods and titan wars so your suspension of disbelief must not really be all that high anyway. Let me tell you a story, a story of a young man, well not that young.

It all began in the planet Gallifrey of the It was located in a binary star system within the constellation of Kasterborous at galactic coordinates ten-zero-eleven-zero-zero by zero-two from galactic zero centre. Basically in space.

There lived a race of beings known as Time Lords. These beings lived for years on end and when it is time for them to die, they don't. They under a regeneration of sorts when mortally wounded and transform their features and personality, but retaining their core being and memories.

The Time Lords are an ancient race of beings intune with time itself. That being said no one knows where or even when they came from, after all beings with a mastery over time itself could come from the past present or future. They could even be what the human race might become in a few billion years or so.

The Time Lords however never abused their powers, they never interfered in time nor did they care for the most part. They were organized and efficient, they prized knowledge above all were rational to the point of boring. So basically a bunch of uptight stick in the muds.

But, there was one who was different. One who was so different he never felt like a Time Lord himself. His name, well thats the thing no one knows. And I mean no one. But he is called something. He calls himself, The Doctor.

The Doctor eventually leaves his home planet, he steal a time traveling device known as a TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space,) and set off!

He saw the entirety of reality itself, he even at one point went to the after life, no wait that's what he is going to do. Future and past, always get those two things mixed up, anyway.

But as The Doctor traveled the universe he saw the shady side of it as well. He saw the suffering, the pain, the loss. He saw entire planets being destroyed by tyrants and families killing one another. And if he was any other Time Lord he would have moved away, he would not have interfered, but no, he is The Doctor, and he will fight for what is right.

And so he did. He was labeled an outcast by his people, but he did not stop, he did not care. He fought for the weak, for the helpless, wherever those in power abused their might, he was there to set them straight. And soon eventually the entirety of time and space knew him as a hero(kind of like a sea green eyed demi-god we know huh?).

But along the way, he made enemies. People who despised him, who did everything in their power to kill him, and failed. And soon these enemies meet one another, and made an alliance, to kill The Doctor or at least capture the man.

And now our story begins here with The Doctor traveling to 102 AD with his companion, Amy Pond.

102 A.D.

A wheezing and greening sound cut through the cold morning. Weeeege-Gooon-Weeeege-Goooon. Suddenly in the forest clearing a time traveling device in the form of a blue police box comes into reality slowly fading in and out.

A young man steps out of the box, looking around the age of 20 or so, but don't be deceived for this 'young' man is none other than a 2000 year old time traveling alien by the man of The Doctor.

The Doctor looks human, with brown slacks, suspenders a light brown dress shirt with a red bow tie and a brown jacket with patched at the elbows. A woman steps out with him, a tall red head with legs that stretch for miles.

"Right place?" asked the redhead in a scottish accent.

"Just followed the coordinate in the cliff's face, Earth, Britain, 102 AM, no wait sorry, 102 AD." said The Doctor.

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