Chapter 5

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The day had been extremely demanding and all Amelia desired was a tub of ice cream and a good book to escape with. Reality had become overbearing and the best way to escape is to dive into a fictional world. She wastes no time exiting her vehicle the second it halts in her driveway. With a groan, she swings her hulking backpack over her shoulder.

"Hey, neighbor." She grits her teeth at the familiar voice.

She does a 180. Jake is leaning over the opened hood of his vehicle. Even from the distance, Amelia could see his white shirt is soaked in oil.

"Could I get your help for a second?" He calls out to her.

She wanted to pretend she hadn't heard him - but she'd been cursed with the desire to help others in need. No matter how egotistical they may be.

She crosses the street and drops her bag beside the wheel as she approaches his side.

"Could you start the car?"

With a roll of her eyes, she climbs in behind the wheel and turns the key that's already lodged in the ignition. The car roars to life and Jake cheers in delight.

"Good as new!" He exclaims and slams the hood.

He reaches into his pocket for cloth and tries to clean his oil-soaked hands as best as possible.

"So, neighbor," He glances at her. "How are you doing?"


"Well, a guy did get massacred at your school, so I can understand why you wouldn't be cheerful."

The way he casually speaks about murder is surprising to her. How could he be so nonchalant about something so serious?

"How can you be so calm about that?" She voices her thoughts.

"Josh Moore was a dick."

"That doesn't mean he deserved to die."

"No, it doesn't," He agrees. "But it doesn't mean I'm going to sing his praises either."

"He was your brother's best friend."

"Doesn't mean anything to me." He shrugs. "As long as Seth is okay, I don't care about anything else."

"He lost two people he loves."

"That's tragic, I agree, but he's alive and that's all that matters."

She gapes at him as he reaches behind his ear to retrieve his cigarette. She watches as he lights the stick of nicotine. His shoulders slouch as he inhales and exhales.

"So, you don't care if anyone else gets murdered." She accuses.

"I care," He pipes up. "But if it came down to anyone else in this dysfunctional town or him - I will always choose Seth."

While his protectiveness for his younger brother is admirable, Amelia is concerned about his lack of compassion. She didn't expect his life to turn upside down, but she'd expected something more.

A cold breeze prickled goosebumps on her skin, but it was not as cold as the tension between herself and Jake. She wraps her arms around herself.

"If that's all, I'm going home." She reaches for her bag and slings it over her shoulder.

"Until next time, Amelia."

When Lillian loved something - she never loved half-heartedly. Most would call her obsessed, but she preferred to think of herself as passionate. Right now, her passion is directed at Seth Gallagher as she watches him train on the field with his teammates, but he was the only player in her eyes. She'd never been a fan of sports, but she'd seen enough to know the rules. She'd studied it in hopes of impressing Seth with her vast knowledge, but she'd never worked up the courage to talk to him alone. She'd always needed someone with her to do it, and even then she'd hardly managed to say anything intelligible.

She knew it would be best to move on from this trivial crush, but despite her best efforts, Seth Gallagher would unintentionally reel her back in. Her school girl crush had rapidly taken a turn into obsession alley and it seems there is no exit.

She taps her foot against the bottom step of the bleachers as Seth and his teammates run laps around the field. She wasn't the only one casually hanging around the field, but none were as invested as her.

She'd been so engrossed in her gawking that she didn't notice her phone vibrating in her pocket. After a few buzzes, she snapped out of her daydream and reached for the device. She unlocks her phone with her fingerprint and scrunches her nose at the unknown texter.

Could you make your obsession with Seth Gallagher any more obvious?

Her eyes widen and she glances around her in hopes of spotting the mystery texter. It buzzes in her hand and she glances down at the screen. Her heart plummets into her stomach.

How would he feel if he knew about your argument with May the night she went missing?

Jake's head has been swirling for the past hour, but the internal warmth feels like a snug blanket has been draped over him. He takes a long drag from the blunt and drops his head on the plush pillow. He breathes out in contentment as he looks at his ceiling through hooded eyes. Every muscle in his body relaxes under the influence of narcotics.

His bedroom door slams open, but he doesn't flinch. He barely acknowledges the figure approaching his bedside until Abigail's head pops into view. He gazes at her with a dopey smile.

"Hey." He drawled.

"I've been texting you." She snaps but it does not affect his intoxicated mind.

"I don't know where my phone is." He chuckles.

She glances at his bedside table where his phone is located and raises her brow.

"Are you high?" She accuses.

It wouldn't be the first time.

His head drops to the side and she reaches for the blunt before it falls out of his weak hold. Her nose scrunches at the foul smell. She's never been one for drugs. She snuffs it out to ensure he doesn't end up burning his house down before sitting on the edge of the bed.

She brushes back the hairs on his forehead that have been matted down by sweat. He closes his eyes like a kitten being scratched behind the ear. Nothing is said between them for a moment. Abigail decides to break the silence.

"I thought you were done with all of this."

His eyes open with a fiery gaze, as if his high had already worn off.

"Don't start." His hazy tone hardened.

"You told me you were done." She's slowly becoming annoyed by his change of moods.

"You're not my girlfriend." He seethes and she stands up as if she'd just been bitten.

"I never said I was." She spits back.

"Then stop acting like it."

She jumps back as if she'd just been slapped in the face and looks daggers in his direction.

"Fine," She speaks through clenched teeth. "Don't come crawling back to me when you realize that none of this is going to take the guilt away." 

Black Hill HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora