Chapter 16

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Jake's nicotine addiction has gotten increasingly concerning. It's always been a stress reliever for him. He's never experienced more stress in his life than in these short months. It had become overwhelming. So overwhelming that he'd opted to defer for a semester. He'd spent more time focusing on his family back on home than any of his courses. It seemed aimless. He couldn't leave his younger brother vulnerable to a killer.

Even if he hates me.

Things between the brothers have been brutally tense, but he'd keep trying. He'd repent for his sins no matter what. Especially since they're all a walking target.

Heavy footsteps alert him of Seth's presence and he immediately pushes himself from his seat and to the front door in hopes of catching him before he could escape.

"Where are you going?" Jake hurriedly questions.


"I could take you."

"I'd prefer if you didn't." He scowls.

He reaches for the door handle, but Jake's reflexes are quicker.

"Seth," His voice is gentle. "Please let me take you."

He wanted to argue. To tell him to never speak or look at him again. He couldn't. Despite his utter betrayal, he's still his brother and the threatening text had his mind reeling. The fear that his brother could be the next victim gnaws on his mind. No matter what Jake did, he couldn't stomach the idea of losing him.

"Okay," He croaks. "Let's go."

Jake bites off a smile and grabs his keys. The rustling of leaves halts his movements. His eyes dance back and forth taking in as much of the area as he could. Silence.

"Are you okay?" Seth yells from within the car.

"Fine." He trails off as his eyes are paranoidly flittering back and forth.

He scoffs at his absurdity before marching to the car, unbeknownst to the figure looming in the background.

Amelia scoffs at Abigail from across the hallway. Her carefree behavior amazes her.

As if we all weren't just threatened with our lives. Amelia thinks as she watches her strut in her cheer uniform, waving at those deemed worthy of her acknowledgment.

The door across from Amelia opens and Lillian exits with Mr. Stanley in tow. She pushes herself from her leaning position against the wall as her solemn friend speaks to their teacher. Lillian looks as if she hasn't slept in weeks, and her hair looks as if she's directly gotten out of bed.

This has taken a toll on her.

They exchange a few words until Lillian's gaze lands on her. She hurriedly murmurs a few more words before excusing herself to join Amelia.

"I didn't think you were coming in today." Amelia gently questions.

"I have a pop quiz in History."

The hallways are buzzing with chatter and movement, but there is an unbearable silence between them. Neither knew what to say to the other. Amelia fears mentioning the threatening text. Lillian looks as if the slightest inconvenience is going to shatter her. The chime pierced through the noise as if the bell could sense her silent plea for a distraction. Awkward grins are exchanged before they walk their separate ways.

Abigail stares at the clock. It feels as if it hadn't moved for ten minutes. Her eyes nearly roll into the back of her head as she twirls a pencil. With a deep exhale, a strand of hair lifts and moves out of her eyes. Her Jimmy Choo heel bounces against the tile, creating an infuriating echo. A few annoyed glances are directed her way, but no one would dare give her an order to stop. With an upturn of her upper lip, she rolls her eyes and glances down at the frayed desk. Her phone buzzes against the table. She leans over her desk and scoffs as the text is from Jake.

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