Chapter 22

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We all have our demons to battle. Our struggles to power through. However, at times, fear is immortal - no matter how hard we try we cannot kill it. We can barely wound it. Fear is the biggest factor in our lives, it holds power over the bravest of soldiers. Fear is a tragically human emotion. A consequence of living. No matter how hard we fight it, it will always be one step ahead attaching itself to something else. Once we think we've conquered fear, it latches onto something new. A butterfly cycle of misery.

Another life has been lost in the small town and it has almost become procedure. As if it's strange when someone hasn't been murdered in a while. That's what Black Hill has come to. These brutal murders have divided the town. There is no more wholesome neighborly atmosphere. Everyone is a suspect and you don't know who to trust anymore. Neighbors no longer smile and wave as they meet up when receiving their mail. Their daily routines have taken a morbid turn.

Mrs. Norbury no longer weeds her lawn on the weekends like she used to. Instead, she stays tucked away in her home where she feels secure. No one can hurt her there.

The Jefferson kids are no longer permitted to play hockey in their cul-de-sac. Instead, they're detained in their bedrooms surrounded by technology instead of stimulating outdoor play.

The town has been placed under strict lockdown by order of the sheriff. Black Hill is no longer safe and it's time that the matter is truly taken seriously.

Amelia gazes out her window as she watches the police vehicle gently lull down her street like clockwork. The officers are taking shifts patrolling the town and ensuring everyone stays off the streets before night time. Her father had just left for his shift.

She walks towards her bed with a sigh and gazes up at the glow-in-the-dark stars she stuck on her ceiling. She'd been bored out of her mind being locked up in her home. She's beginning to feel suffocated. She glances at the digital clock on her phone. Only two minutes have passed by since she last checked.

The mundane days are slowly aging her.

The sound of police sirens attracts the entire neighborhood. Amelia rushes to her window to find three police cars parked just in front of her home. His eyebrows knit in confusion and she rushes down the stairs skipping two at a time until she's bolting out into the street along with the rest of the neighborhood. Curious, she watches on as they march towards the Gallagher residence and others surround Seth's car. Her heart skips a beat as Seth answers the door and they immediately press him against the wall and handcuff him. His parents and Jake watch on in disbelief and Mr. Gallagher begins to argue with the officers. They drag Seth out of his home with his hands secured behind his back and escort him toward the police vehicle. The bright siren lights stretch out through the neighborhood. They squeeze Seth into the back of the police car.

Jake engages in a heated discussion with Amelia's father and she approaches them. She arrives too late as her father brushes past her and towards one of his colleagues.

"Jake," She hurriedly speaks. "What's going on?"

"They're arresting him."

"Obviously, but why?" He gazes at her with glossy eyes.

"For the murders." She nearly laughs at the ridiculousness.

"Why would they do that?"

"Allegedly, I'm the one that turned him in."

The news of Seth Gallagher being the elusive killer has been the talk of the town and will continue to be for decades to come. Residents have felt safe for the first time in months, no longer having to look over their shoulders in fear of imminent danger. The killer has been caught and the victims have been brought justice. Everyone can sleep better at night. Almost everyone.

The Gallagher family is gathered at their dining room table, neither of them speaking a word as they attempt to fathom the situation. Neither of them believes that Seth would ever be capable of murder, especially not May. He adored her in every way possible and Seth would never hurt a fly. Jake has his hair firmly gripped in his hands as he attempts to understand the situation.

How could he have turned his brother in without contacting the police? Why would he turn his brother in? Seth did nothing wrong.

Mrs. Gallagher bursts into an unexpected fit of sobs and Jake soothingly rubs her back. The tense atmosphere is becoming painfully unbearable and he doesn't know how much more of it he can take.

Why is this happening? Why Seth?

The hallways have become gossip central as everyone is obsessed with the latest news. Many have shared their doubts while others have claimed they knew Seth was the killer from the start. Amelia rolls her eyes at their ridiculous claims and carries on strutting through the hallways until she reaches first-period English. Lillian's usually cheerful demeanor is diminished as she stares at her desk with her head perched in her hand.

"Lil, what's going on?"

"You know what's going on." She mumbles. "Leave it to me to have a thing for a serial killer."

"Seth is innocent." Amelia insists.

Lillian raises her head and glances at Amelia as if she had suddenly grown three heads.

"How could you say that?" She questions. "They had evidence against him."

"They had nothing against him." She states.

She wanted to tell Lillian the truth, but she didn't want to divulge classified information that might risk her father's job.

Her phone buzzes on the table and her heart sinks. Unknown number.

She holds her breath as she opens the text.

Now that the cops are off my back, we can continue playing.

She bites her lip to hold off a scream of frustration. She places her phone down on the table. Mr. Stanley enters the room shortly after. Amelia suffers an internal debate on what to do next, however, her feet decide for her.

She bolts out of the classroom ignoring the cries from Mr. Stanley and Lillian. She makes a beeline for the parking lot and hurriedly starts the ignition the second she's in her car. She speeds towards the sheriff's station and thinks of all the speeding tickets she's likely to receive, but that is a problem for another time. She barely puts the car in park before she's bolting out of it and into the sheriff's station. She doesn't greet anyone like usual, instead, she barges into her dad's office thankful that he's alone.

"Why aren't you in school?" He immediately scolds them.

"Seth didn't do it." She states ignoring his previous question.

"Amelia, I told you to stay out of this." She ignores him and extends her phone towards him, showcasing all the messages from The Lurker.

"What am I looking at?"

"Someone has been threatening me for months."


"How could Seth send the last message if he's behind bars?" She replies in frustration.

"Amelia, someone is playing a trick on you."

"You're not listening to me." She raises her voice in frustration.

"You're not listening to me." His voice raises too. "I've been under so much stress these last few months. I was on the verge of losing my job if I didn't solve this case. Don't ruin this for me."

"Even if it means leaving an innocent person locked up for something they didn't commit."

"He's the killer." Her father insists.

She looks at him in disgust, appalled at how he could care less about finding the real killer.

"What a great example you're setting for your child, dad." She spits before marching out of the station.

She reaches her car and angrily punches the steering wheel. Her phone chimes again and she reads the text with a frown, already knowing who it's from.

You shouldn't have done that. I'm still waiting for that dance. 

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