Chapter 13

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She'd spent the entire morning in a daze, unable to focus on any of her classes. It feels like she'd had an out-of-body experience and someone else has taken over her for the day. She cannot remember walking to her classes. She'd be stuck in a daze until the school bell shakes her out of her trance. She hasn't been able to concentrate on anything as her mind is filled with the knowledge of Jake being the mystery guy May has secretly been seeing. Her boyfriend's older brother. How could either one of them do that to Seth? The two people he cared most about in the world had betrayed him and he doesn't even know it. The very brother that's been comforting about losing the only girl he's ever loved. Did Jake love her too? Is that why he agreed to the affair? Or does he just get off on stealing his brother's love interests?

She didn't give him a chance to explain after his confession. Her father had arrived just after she had been hit with the news and she insisted on him taking her home. She didn't want to be stuck in a car with Jake after the revelation - what if he's The Lurker?

What if he'd been in love with May but she never reciprocated those feelings? What if he'd been so heartbroken that he lashed out and killed her? She'd never felt more frightened in her life than at that moment.

She'd missed the bell and only realized the class was over when someone walked past her, hitting her with their backpack. She shakes the morbid thoughts out of her mind and hurriedly gathers her stuff.

"Amelia, may I have a word?" Mr. Stanley questions.

"Is there something wrong?" She worriedly approaches his desk.

"I couldn't help but notice you were uncharacteristically distracted today."

She lowers her head like a scolded child.

"Sorry, sir." She timidly replies. "I've had a lot on my mind."

He nods his head in understanding.

"As long as it's nothing serious." He replies. "I can't have one of my best students losing interest."

"Of course not, Mr. Stanley." She hurriedly answers. "It won't happen again."

"I'll see you tomorrow." He excuses her and she walks out with her tail between her legs.

"What was that about?" Lillian questions as she stands up, pretending she wasn't trying to eavesdrop.

"Nothing serious." She brushes her friend off.

A shoulder collides with hers and she winces as the stabbing pain sends shockwaves down her arm. Her other hand instinctively begins to rub the sore spot.

"Watch where you're going." Abigail spits and Amelia's mouth drops from the shocking hostility.

"What's your problem?"

"Right now, it's you." Abigail snottily replies.

She makes a good Regina George.

"Well, get over it." Amelia retorts with an equal amount of aggression.

Abigail steps forward until her face is right in front of Amelia's - but she doesn't waver.

"I wouldn't upset me right now," She threatens. "Or you'll come to regret it." She spits before pushing past the petite girl.

Her high-heeled Stiletto's echo through the hallway as she struts away as if she were on a runway. Her words echo in Amelia's head like a tattered record stuck in a loop.

Or you'll come to regret it.

Black liquid seeps from Abigail's eyes and coats her cheeks as she reads extracts from May's diary. Her every thought, feeling, and secret have been documented inside the lavender-colored pages - dating back to freshman year. Things that Abigail never knew had been brought to her attention. Including her illicit affair with Jake Gallagher. Their taboo romance had taken up most of the pages, dating back to when Abigail and Jake first started their relationship. Although, they were never truly official she had believed they had an unspoken agreement that they would only see each other.

She had no idea why she tortures herself by continuously reading about their romance - it's something she's been doing since she found the journal.

It's like reading a Nicholas Sparks book.

May had been infatuated with Jake. It's blindingly obvious based on her journal entries.

She wipes her eyes in frustration before reaching for her phone. She'd been so distracted by the story that she didn't hear a text notification.

What do you say? Should I expose Jake?

The anonymous texter questions and she bites her lip in thought. She glances at the journal one more and cringes at the pink hearts doodled around one of the entries. It reignites the flame of anger inside her.

Send it.

She's unsure if it was the right decision, but the damage has already been done.

Amelia's phone chimes and she thoughtlessly reaches for it as she stares at her computer screen. Her English essay opened up. She peels her eyes from the words on the laptop to the miniature phone screen.

Another post on Rosemary's blog.

With a click of her finger, the link opens to a recently published article. She notices an image first which seems to be an extract from someone's journal. She glances down at the caption and her eyes widen.

Our mystery guy has been found. Plot twist, May's mystery beau is none other than Jake Gallagher. How taboo. Don't believe me? Read the attached image from May's journal for more proof.

Her eyes skim over May's bubbly handwriting where she confesses her undying love for Jake.

This is bad.

Her thoughts are proven right as she can hear the distinct sound of yelling. She rushes to her bedroom window and out into the street. Jake must have just arrived home as he'd removed his helmet and placed it on his motorcycle. Seth angrily marches towards him as he points an accusatory finger at his older brother. The siblings exchange words before Seth's fist lands directly on Jake's jaw sending him backward. He manages to keep his balance. Seth attempts to strike again but Jake dodges it and tackles him onto their lawn.

Amelia gasps at the sight and hurriedly rushes downstairs and outside. She bolts across the street as the brothers roll around in the grass exchanging damaging blows. She places her hands over her mouth, unsure how to break up their wrestling match.

The sprinklers capture her attention and she rushes to turn them on. A dozen sprinklers spray copious amounts of water, almost instantly soaking the pair. They stop fighting as they rush out of the spray zone. It's only then that they notice her with her hands on her hips. Jake glances at his heartbroken brother and his tense features immediately soften.

"Seth." He reaches for his brother only for his hand to be slapped away.

"Save it." He venomously seethes before bolting inside their house.

Jake glances at Amelia with a scowl. He looks like he wants to say something but decides against it. He shakes his head and mumbles something under his breath before sulkily dragging his body inside.

With a scoff of her own, she marches back inside her home and closes it with a decisive slam. She stomps up the stairs but stays frozen in the doorway as a cream-colored paper is folded on her bed. She glances around the room before apprehensively taking small steps towards it. She reaches for it with shaky hands and unfolds it. Her eyes glance over the sloppily written words before the paper escapes from her fingers and drops back in place.

See how easy it is for me to get to you?

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