Chapter 23

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How could they have known I told my dad? She wonders as she sits in her bedroom gazing out the window and into her lively neighborhood. Everyone has found their aura of positivity ever since Seth's arrest. The kids are back to playing in the backyard, and the neighbors feel more comfortable walking their dogs. However, Amelia knew that none of them are safe and that the real murderer is still out there waiting for the next perfect moment to wreak havoc.

She'd hardly digested anything Mr. Stanley had spoken as she solemnly gazes out the classroom window. The rain had been on the warpath for days and it was showing no signs of tiring. She places her chin in the palm of her hand as she watches the water droplets race. It always used to soothe her as a child. The long drives in the rain with her father. However, it offers her no comfort at this moment. It only makes her long for the times of her youth. When everything was bliss.

The situation with Seth had gotten to her. She knows he's innocent, but her father refuses to listen. She cannot allow her friend to suffer for something he didn't do.

"Miss Beckett." Mr. Stanley's authoritative voice knocks her from her unconscious thoughts. "Are you still with us?"

"Sorry." She lowers her head.

He opens his mouth to berate her but opts against it as he carries on with his lecture. She forces her mind to focus, but her thoughts keep drifting back to her anxious thoughts of Seth. What if he's not The Lurker's only target?

She'd been so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't realize class was over until everyone stood from their seats.

How did I miss the bell?

She hurriedly gathers her belongings and marches into the hallway. An unexpected, but familiar, face catches her eye in the bustling crowd.

"Officer Nichols." She calls before pushing through the crowd to reach him.

"Hey, Amelia." He greets.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your dad placed me on patrol duty here." He shrugs before folding his arms.

She bites her lip in thought. Why would he place him on patrol duty if her dad believes they've already caught the killer? She chooses not to question him. Instead, she excuses herself to get to her next class. She tried to ignore the piercing gaze on the back of her head, but the goosebumps betray her.

Something doesn't seem right.

A boulder of burden has been heavily placed on Ethan's shoulders. The paranoia has become unbearable. He doesn't feel safe in his own home anymore. He's been avoiding interaction.

His foster mother has made several attempts at getting him to talk, but he's always been bull-headed. He preferred to deal with his inner turmoil on his own. He'd been alone for so long that he's found it incredibly difficult to open himself up to anyone.

May was the exception.

He told her everything. His thoughts. Fears. Desires. She knew every layer of him. The only one he trusted.

Too bad she never felt the same about me.

He thought he knew everything about her. Even her darkest secrets. However, she was more sinister than he was led to believe. He knew she had her flaws - no one is truly flawless, but he'd held her to a pedestal that she never deserved.

She'd done despicable things. The girl he loved was merely a façade. Disingenuous. It's as if he's lost her for a second time. Both sides of her are dead.

He wasn't sure if he should mourn or rejoice.

The second his phone chimed, his muscles went into overdrive.

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