Chapter 12

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The bitter smell of antiseptic wafts through Amelia's nostrils the second she walks in. The bedding holds a strong bleach smell. They must have just been washed. All these scents mask the smell of the freshly bought daisies in her hands.

The beeping of machines makes her uneasy as they all simultaneously sound like an orchestra. She takes a seat in the uncomfortable chair next to the hospital bed as she monitors the rise and fall of Lillian's chest.

She'd hardly slept. It had been three days since the Halloween party. She was grateful that Lillian would make a full recovery but saddened that she could not remember anything of the attack when the police questioned her.

However, Amelia knows she must have seen a threatening figure in a cloak.

She runs her fingers through her hair and leans her head back on the seat. Sleep was almost about to take over until the chime of her phone echoed.

Next time. I will make sure the bitch is fully dead.

She gripped her phone firmly in her hand. At first, she was scared of The Lurker, but now the only thing she feels is anger. All this monster does is hurt people and Amelia is fed up with the constant fear and agony. She's sick of the constant looking over her shoulder.

"Amelia." A gravelly voice disrupts her thoughts.

She glances at Lillian's pain-filled face. She licks her dry lips.

"I'm here." Amelia stands at her side with a grateful grin.

"I was so scared." She's shocked at the tears freely flowing down her face. "First the message, and now this."

The smile on Amelia's face falls.

Message? Has Lillian been getting them too?

Has this sadistic individual been targeting her closest friend too?

"You've been getting them too." She voices her thoughts aloud.

Lillian's tears fade at the words. So, she wasn't the only one.

"Who is it?" Lillian states in desperation.

"I wish I knew," Amelia speaks with folded arms. "But I promise I'm going to find out."

Four months. Four months have passed and Amelia is nowhere near keeping her promise. She is nowhere closer to finding out who The Lurker is. The killings have come to a surprising halt, but the threatening messages have kept her busy.

Her life had changed drastically since almost losing her best friend. These brutal events have seemed to bring most of them closer together - she and Seth had become the best of friends, but it's also divided a few. She hadn't spoken to Ethan since their awkward Halloween kiss and he never tried to make conversation with her. It was a mutually beneficial decision on both parts.

Despite the lack of murders, the town has not let its guard down. The Lurker sticks to their schedule and it seems too good to be true.

The school was desolate. Amelia had spent the late afternoon researching for a Biology paper due next week. She had completely lost track of time and only realized how late it was until she exited the library and into the hallways.

The football team has been excessively practicing for an upcoming game, so the parking lot wasn't entirely deserted.

"It's been a while." The irksome voice halts her movement.

It's been a few months since she'd seen Jake. He went back to college, but it seems as if he's back to wreak havoc again. He's casually leaning against the wall a few feet away from the entrance with a cigarette firmly clutched in between his fingers. His usually short hair had grown out.

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