Chapter 15

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Ethan can't remember the last time he'd slept for more than three hours. He'd been tormented with nightmares. With visions of May. The sweet memories that had become tainted. She'd been dead for months, but the torment is still alive.

Their short-lived relationship had been a whirlwind. For him. The passion and desire had been unrequited. He'd only come to terms with it. He'd had it mistaken this entire time.

He'd always believed Seth was the reason she could never truly love him, but it was Jake this entire time. He'd resented Seth for years because he'd had the one thing he wanted most. May's heart.

But he never had it either.

Jake had always had an alluring aura to him. He unconsciously demanded attention when entering a room. Like a charismatic magnetic. It shouldn't come as a shock that May fell victim to it. He could tempt a siren.

The envy he felt for Seth had transferred and multiplied onto Jake. Even THE Seth Gallagher was no match for his older brother.

Yet, I still love her.

He groans as his heart overrules his mind. She was his first love. His only love. Even if she never felt the same.

He slouches in his chair and gazes around his bedroom. The uncustomary silence makes him anxious. Ona Saturday morning he'd usually be greeted with the rambunctious laughter of his younger siblings, or the sound of Mr. Lloyd mowing the lawn next door. He'd often cursed the middle-aged man for waking him on a Saturday, but finds himself wishing for it. Anything but the somber silence.

As if he'd wished on a genie his phone vibrates against his bedside table. He eagerly reaches for it.


With furrowed brows he opens the message, regretting making his wish.

Unless you want everyone to find out about that restraining order, I suggest you come to Crowley Warehouse at midnight.

Crowley Warehouse had been abandoned for years. It was a locally owned toy warehouse. The owner, Walter Crowley, was an elderly man that passed away fifteen years ago. He'd left the business for his children, but none were interested in continuing the family legacy. They immediately shut down the business and took their inherited earnings to start a new life.

Ethan crawls through the hole in the fence. He dodges empty beer bottles left by teenagers that would frequent the place. It's the perfect hangout spot. Far away from prying eyes.

He inspects his surroundings as if the person sending him the threatening message could pop out at any second.

He jumps over a pile of beer bottles and cigarette nubs. The steel doors are dangling off the hinges and he admires the graffiti before squeezing through the narrow opening. The interior is as disastrous as the exterior. There were no floors and a part of the ceiling had collapsed. Boulders lay scattered.

He'd forgotten to bring a flashlight, mentally thanking the moon for being uncharacteristically lustrous as the beams glow through the shattered windows.

"Ethan?" He jumps at the unexpected presence as artificial light momentarily blinds him.

"Sorry," Amelia whispers as she moves her flashlight out of his face. "I didn't expect to find you here."

"Why are you here?" He immediately questions.

"I got a text telling me to be here." She bites her lip.

"You too." They both jump at the unexpected company.

Jake, Abigail and a timid Lillian approach them, each with flashlights of their own.

"Did we all get a text from an unknown number?" Amelia questions.

They all nod.

"Sorry, I'm late to the party." Seth indignantly replies as his eyes are locked on his older brother. His jaw clenches.

"I do not have time for this." Abigail rolls her eyes.

"Do we have any idea who it could be from?" Ethan questions but receives no reply.

Lillian nervously bites her nails as her eyes dart around the desolate area. The second she'd gotten a text to show up tonight she'd been excessively paranoid. The fluttering in her gut has become overbearingly painful.

"It's some sick joke," Seth pipes up with folded arms. "Someone bored with their lives."

"Or someone looking to do some serious damage," Jake adds, which infuriates Seth.

"You should know all about that." Seth hisses.

"I said I was sorry!" Jake replied like a beaten puppy seeking acceptance, but Seth is in no mood to take pity on him.

"It's way too late for that!" He takes a threatening step toward his older brother, but Ethan steps in their way.

"Now isn't the time for this!" He scolds them. "We need to figure out why we're all here."

"Someone has it out for us." Abigail seems untroubled by the situation. "Probably someone Jake slept with."

Jake has not done himself any favors.

He wanted to fight back but chose it best to remain silent.

"Now is not the time to let our problems cloud our judgment." Amelia sternly replies like a scolding mother.

"Bite me," Abigail spits. "Who even are you?"

"You're seriously going to play social hierarchy right now?"

"It's not my fault you're beneath me." Abigail draws closer, but a fierce grip holds her back.

"That's enough, Abigail." Jake seethes.

She glances over her shoulder and gapes at him. He'd never spoken to her with so much spite. They've had their disputes, but he'd never been so venomous. She squares her shoulders and yanks her arm out of his hold before turning to face him.

"You're going to side with her?" When he doesn't reply she sniffs. "Let me guess, you're sleeping with her now."

Amelia scoffs.

Is this the time to be the jealous girlfriend?

"Real mature, Abigail." Amelia's snide remark frustrates her.

"I thought I made it clear you're not worthy of being in my presence." She snaps.

Before they could commence the second round of verbal blows, gut-wrenching sobs echoed in their ears. Everyone turns to glance at a tear-stricken Lillian. Her face is hidden in her hands and her shoulders convulse. No words are spoken as they gaze at the fragile girl in shock.

"Lillian," Amelia hurriedly approaches her and places her hand on her back. "What's going on? Why are you crying?"

Her words are mumbled by the overflow of sobs and Amelia attempts to calm her down. After several minutes, the sobbing subsides and Lillian gasps for air like a fish out of the water as she wipes her tears with the back of her hands. They all stare at the tormented girl.

"That was so dramatic." Abigail scoffs and earns a glare from everyone else in the room.

Before Amelia could express her disdain towards the ignorant cheerleader, their phones chime simultaneously.

Abigail scoffs once again.

"It's like we're in an episode of Pretty Little Liars." Her comments fell on dead ears as everyone glanced at their phones.

So lovely to see you all together. Take a good look because one of you is next.

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